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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2016.04.21 2015고단1975


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a year and four months, and by imprisonment with prison labor for a year.


Punishment of the crime


A은 서울 강남구 역삼동 706-1 데이 콤 빌딩 9 층에 있는 보험상품 판매를 주된 업으로 하는 피해자 주식회사 케이에프지 소속의 보험 판매원이고, 피고인 B은 C 회사 등 보험상품 판매회사를 전전하면서 보험 판매원으로 근무한 자로서, 피고인들은 보험상품을 소비자들에게 판매함에 있어 피고인 B이 보험료 대납 약속을 하고 모집한 사람들 명의로 보험계약을 체결하고 보험 계약자 대신 피고인들이 월납 보험료를 1회 내지 3회 정도만 납부한 후 위 피해자 주식회사 케이에프 지로부터 그에 대한 수당으로 월납 보험료의 약 7 배에 해당하는 돈을 지급 받으면( 속칭 ‘ 자 뻑 계약’) 그 돈을 나누어 가진 후 더 이상 보험료는 납부하지 않기로 공모하였다.


A around August 31, 2014, around Seoul F200, concluded an insurance contract with D with Defendant B to pay insurance premiums and to conclude an insurance contract for monthly payment of KRW 175,800,00 with D, and around that time, submitted the insurance contract entered into with D to the employee in charge of the victim case, as if it was a contract entered into under normal terms.

However, the above D was only lent in the name of the insurance contract, and there was no intent or ability to pay the monthly payment in the future, and the defendants were paid allowances from the victim KNF Co., Ltd. for the conclusion of the above insurance contract only once to three times, and the above amount was not paid for the monthly payment.

On September 25, 2014, Defendants received delivery of KRW 1,163,781 as allowances under the said insurance contract from the employees in charge of the victim case-based employees who believe the said insurance contract as a normal insurance contract.

In addition, the Defendants, as indicated in the list of crimes in attached Form 2, from September 25, 2014 to January 23, 2015.
