본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2018.11.22 2018고합109


A Imprisonment for a term of two years and six months, imprisonment for a term of three years, and imprisonment for a term of five years, respectively.

except that this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Gohap 109]

1. Special robbery [Defendant] The Defendants and D (Forwarding to the Juvenile Department of October 23, 2018), E (Forwarding to the Juvenile Department of August 16, 2018), and F (Forwarding to the Juvenile Department of August 16, 2018) are two ex post facto lines in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province along with each other in Jeju. On May 10, 2018, after hearing questions that the company having been going into Seoul for the purpose of travelling its car lurbing without identification card, the Defendants were going to go back at Pyeongtaek-si on May 15, 2018, and then moved back the PC to make it difficult for them to live, and then, when there was a lack of living, they were released from the mobile phone lurbing "G" to gather money and valuables from the male lurbing to make it known to the female minors, and then, they were released from the female lurbing to the other female lurbing condition that they came to take the role of sexual traffic.

The Defendants, D, E, and F, on May 15, 2018, connected to the above “G” on condition that they receive KRW 200,000 in cash after promising the victim H (45 years of age) and sexual traffic to enter the bus terminal near the Pyeongtaek-si bus. On the following day: 00:4 of the day after the victim met at the above terminal, E sent the victim a message that he first received 200,000 won for sexual traffic from the victim, and then sent the victim a message that he was in the above telecom to other drivers using the cell phone. The Defendants, D, and F, who received the above message, sent the message to the victim, and then set the victim in advance, according to the role of sharing the amount of sexual traffic.
