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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2018.01.05 2016고정1405

1. Defendant A, B, D, and E shall be punished by a fine of KRW 1,000,000, and Defendant C shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2,00,000.



Punishment of the crime

Defendants are employees of the guard company mobilized for the proceedings of the F redevelopment Promotion Committee at the general meeting of shareholders, and victims G (V, 50 years old) are witnesses of the above general meeting of shareholders who attend the above general meeting of shareholders as witnesses of the election of members of the above general meeting.

H around April 15, 2016, around 23:50 on April 15, 2016, from the second floor of the J church in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul, to the transportation of the ballot box for the election of the guidance division at an ordinary general meeting of the F Resource Development Promotion Committee, the victim was suffering from the dispute with the victim, and the victim was not able to “Ne four times”.


As the house is found, it is intended to kill children.

“The victim was threatened by the victim,” and at the same place K immediately thereafter, as the victim followed the above H and resisted about the above act, K committed assault, such as keeping the victim’s body and booming the victim’s right hand hand.

On April 15, 2016, at the same place around 23:56, the Defendants and L had continued to drive the above H in the vicinity of the direction of the victim, and Defendant C had a part of the victim’s neck one time, and the part of the victim’s left side of the victim’s body due to drinking, and the part of the victim’s gate and the part of the arms can be cut back by drinking. Defendant L was able to take part in the victim’s chest, breast, clothes, and buckbucks. Defendant A was able to take part in the victim’s right side and the part of the fuckbucks. Defendant D was able to take part in the victim’s clothes with drinking, Defendant D was able to take part in the victim’s chest and the part of the fucks and the part of the fucks. Defendant B was able to take part in the victim’s left part and the part of the fucks and the part of the fucks.

As a result, the defendants jointly put the victim about about three weeks of treatment, such as cryp dump, which requires the victim's treatment.

Summary of Evidence

1. The Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Legal statement of witness G;

1. During the suspect interrogation protocol against the Defendants.
