본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2014.04.15 2013고합348


A Imprisonment with prison labor for a maximum of one year and six months, for a short of one year and three months, for a maximum of one year and for a short of ten months, for Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act by the Defendants;

A. The Defendants are J-J and J-J relatives. The Defendants are criminal offenders.

J around July 1, 2013, around 02:27, 2013, expressed that the victim L(23 years of age) who became aware of through the “ smartphone-making” at his own house located in Sungwon-si K was made a telephone to the victim(23 years of age) who became aware of it.

Therefore, the victim was found to have his house in order to meet J, and the victim did not open the door even if the victim arrived before his house, but sent a text message several times outside the house.

Accordingly, the J sent text messages to Defendant B, and requested Defendant B to do so at his own house, and Defendant B became the house of J with the rest of the Defendants.

B. Defendant A and B arrived at around 04:09 on the same day, first of all, in the front of the JJ.

When the above Defendants discovered the victim at the same time, Defendant B took the face of the victim by drinking, and Defendant A took the face of the victim by drinking, and Defendant A took the face of the victim by drinking.

그 후 약 20분이 지나 피고인 C, D도 J의 집 앞에 도착하여 피고인 A, B와 함께 주먹으로 피해자의 얼굴을 수 회 때리고, 발로 복부를 수 회 걷어찼다.

Therefore, the victim was unable to see the violence of the defendants, and the escapeer, the defendant B followed about 50 meters of 50 meters, and the victim was her head, and the rest of the defendants were her head when her head was her head, followed by drinking and her head, and led the victim to the J's house.

After that, Defendant A, C, and D enter a toilet with the victim being sealed in the toilet, and enter the toilet, and take the face of the victim from drinking and sprinking, walking the part on hand, Defendant D ran the pipe of plastic material, and ring the head of the victim from a water surface, and Defendant A gets off the part of the victim who sprinked.
