본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.11.13 2017가단532894
주위토지통행권확인 등 청구의 소

1. The defendant has each point on the plaintiffs, among the L, M, N, andO land in the Gangseo-gu L, Gangwon-gun, M, N, and O, in order of the attached drawing Nos. 1 to 23 and 1.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. Plaintiff A is an owner of a size of 854 square meters in Gangseo-gun X 672 square meters in Gangwon-do, Plaintiff B is an owner of the area of 854 square meters in the preceding AG, Plaintiff C is an owner of the area of 786 square meters in the preceding Z, Plaintiff E is an owner of the area of 672 square meters in the preceding AA, Plaintiff E is an owner of the area of 672 square meters and the preceding 676 square meters in the AB, Plaintiff F is an owner of the area of 715 square meters in the preceding AJ, Plaintiff G is an owner of the area of 688 square meters in the preceding AH large 640 square meters, Plaintiff H is an owner of the area of 640 square meters in the Republic of Korea, Plaintiff I, and J

(The location of each of the above lands shall be determined by reference to the attached drawing, hereinafter referred to as the parcel number, and the total of the lands shall be referred to as the "each of the instant lands."

The part (A) of A1 to 23, and 1 of the attached Form No. 2, among the land D, M, N, and O, is 5 square meters connected to A1 to A29 square meters in sequence, and the part (B), 42 square meters, N, P, Q, O, and R, which are 49 square meters in sequence, 8, 24-49, 9, and 8 of the attached Form (C), which are 621 square meters in order to be connected to A2, 152, 159-192, 153, 152, 152, 153, 152 among the attached Form No. 1, 750, 750, 750, 750, 167, 107, 107, 150, 167, 107, 150, 153, 152.

C. Since then, the Defendant installed the automatic opening and access control signs in the part of the instant traffic lane (A), and filled up the obstacles, such as (c), (d) and (e) of the instant traffic lane, at the end of the north.
