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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2020.02.10 2019고단5392

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Busan District Prosecutors' Office, which was seized, No. 3559, No. 3559, No. 1 through 3.


Punishment of the crime

"2019 Highest 5392"

1. From October 15, 2019 to October 24, 2019, the Defendant: (a) opened the “D” PC operated by the victim C in Busan Jin-gu, Busan at “D” bank operated by the victim C; and (b) stolen or stolen the cash amounting to KRW 900,000 owned by the victim; (c) from October 2, 2019 to October 24, 2019, the Defendant: (d) stolen or stolen the victims, including the cash amounting to KRW 3,119,000 in cash, and KRW 140,000 in total, and KRW 140,000 in market price; (d) agricultural C C’s physical card; (e) one student card; and (e) one bus card; and (e) one bus card.

2. On October 24, 2019, the Defendant attempted to larceny: (a) opened at the “G” bank operated by the Victim F, the victim F, in Seo-gu Daejeon, Seo-gu, Daejeon, by taking out cash in the victim’s locking place; (b) and (c) did not result in the Defendant’s attempted theft.

"2019 Highest 6116"

3. From August 2019, the Defendant is a person who has been in charge of the duties of burial management, etc. at night-time workers at the J convenience store operated by the victim I located in Sinsan-si from around August 2019.

On October 1, 2019, at around 07:30 on October 1, 2019, the Defendant issued a correction ex officio because the amount of KRW 2,00,000, and KRW 300,000, in the indictment written by a victim, which was kept in a simplified credit cooperative at the above convenience store, is obvious.

Along with considerable cultural products rights, a victim's property being kept in business has been embezzled by arbitrarily consuming at his/her discretion.

4. Larceny;

A. On October 5, 2019, at around 23:30 on October 23:30, 2019, the Defendant: (a) opened the victim’s PC room in which the victim M, a customer, was placed in a seat with a locking place in order to take the toilet, and cut off KRW 20,000 in cash by cutting off the victim’s PC room.

B. N'N's PC theft Defendant is the victim of a customer in the PC room at around 16:45 on October 11, 2019.
