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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2019.01.25 2018고합397

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

A seized white wall 2, turn on, and on an emergency (Evidence 1) shall be confiscated.

(b) the defendant;


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant operated the Defendant’s primary collection and sale B, and there was a mutual understanding and understanding of the victims D (one person, half person, and fifty-two years of age) who run “C” and neighbors.

Around 04:40 on August 12, 2018, the Defendant came into the “C” house for the victim’s operation located in Gwangju-gu, Gwangju-gu E, and on the ground that the said victim did not know well about the whereabouts of F, who was living together with the Defendant, with whom he was living together, and was able to know well about the whereabouts of F, the Defendant carried with him a dangerous weapon with a knife and brut (one name: non-shot, one hundred meters in length) and intruded into the above “C” house with a knife the victim’s knife with a single knife, and the victim’s knife with another knife that knife with the victim’s knife with the Defendant’s body, and the victim’s knife and resisted against the Defendant’s left hand.

After that, in order to confirm whether there is a monetary record of the victim's cell phone owned by the victim, the defendant deducteds the cell phone owned by the victim from the victim's cell phone, and then confirmed the records of the victim's cell phone conversations, and putting the victim on the floor by threatening the victim with the above knife, and then put the knife with the above knife onto the bottom of the knife, and applied the body of the victim with the above knife to the lower side of the body of the victim.

The Defendant, who once once again brought up a victim, talked with the victim, “I am on the front door,” putting the victim of the defect on the front door, putting the victim into the front door, threatening him in a knife with the above knife, and repeats the victim five times again, such as “I am to die, I am dead,” and “I am to die, I am to be a person who engaged in electricity, I am to this system, and we know that there is a knife am.” At this point, the CCTV recording machine installed on the front of the knife.
