본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2019.06.14 2019고단589


A Imprisonment for one year, each of the defendants B and C shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime


A is a person who operates a game room under the trade name of "E" in Asan City D, and the defendants B and C are those who work in the above game site as an employee.

No one shall engage in the business of exchanging or arranging exchange or repurchase tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products.

Nevertheless, around October 2018, Defendant A instructed Defendant B and Defendant C to engage in a business of exchanging game results in a way of doing harm to customers according to Defendant B and Defendant C’s instructions.

According to the above public invitation, Defendant A, from October 2018 to January 12, 2019, controlled the operation of the game room by installing 70 game machine, such as “E” 20, “E-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-Son-Mon-Mon-Mon

As a result, Defendants conspired to exchange tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products for business purposes.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Statement of the police statement concerning F;

1. Each seizure record of the police;

1. A report on the analysis of digital evidence;

1. A contract for equipment lease;

1. The application of Acts and subordinate statutes to report internal investigation and investigation reports (the time specified for the business of a game room);

1. Relevant Article of facts constituting a crime and the promotion of each game industry of the choice of punishment;
