본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2017.12.07 2017고정568

The sentence of sentence against the defendant shall be suspended.

The prosecution against insult of each of the facts charged in the instant case is dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

On September 3, 2014, at around 17:24, the Defendant: (a) posted a notice to “D” as “F”, stating that “F” was sent to the Kakao scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scarma on the same day; and (b) posted a notice to “F” after having access to the Kakao scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scaro scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, scarfs, and scarfs, scarfs, and scarfs, scarfs.

The Defendant damaged the reputation of the victim by openly expressing facts with a view to slandering the Internet space that anyone can see as above.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Legal statement of witness G;

1. Statement of the police statement related to G;

1. No. 8 No. 1-Kasfafafafags (A) of the Act and subordinate statutes

1. Article 70(1) of the Act on Promotion of the Utilization of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. (Amended by Act No. 12681, May 28, 2014); the selection of fines for criminal facts;

1. Penalty fine of KRW 1,000,000 to be suspended;

1. Articles 70(1) and 69(2) of the Criminal Act (100,000 won per day) of the Criminal Act to attract a workhouse;

1. Article 59(1) of the Criminal Act of the Suspension of Sentence [the suspension of sentence shall be deferred by taking into account the fact that the defendant is the primary offender, the circumstances leading to the crime of this case, and the various circumstances constituting the conditions for sentencing as shown in the argument of this case] [the defendant and his defense counsel did not have an intention of slandering the defendant]

However, “the purpose of slandering a person” as prescribed by Article 70(1) of the former Act on Promotion of the Use of Information and Communications Network and Information Protection, Etc. (amended by Act No. 12681, May 28, 2014) requires the intention or purpose of deception. As such, whether a person is purpose of slandering a person is expressed, such as the content and nature of the relevant timely fact, the scope of the other party whose fact was published, and the method of expression.
