본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.04.12 2012고합292

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


Criminal facts

And the facts constituting the cause of the attachment [criminal fact] 【2012, 292】

1. On May 11, 2012, the Defendant and the person to whom the attachment order was requested (hereinafter “Defendant”) against the victim D (five years of age and woman) who is a child playing alone at the play place in Ansan-si Group C at around 17:50 on May 11, 2012, saying, “I will make I am b off on the face of a large number of children,” and said, “I am bat off on the face of a large number of children” and said, “I am bat off on the face of a large number of children,” and said, the victim committed an indecent act by force against the victim by making I am bat off the victim’s left hand and fat in the Defendant’s seat.”

【2012 Gohap663】

2. A defendant who violates the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (a minor indecent act by force) from May 2012 to the same year;

7. Around a day when the first-come-served day is unknown, a victim E (five years of age and five) playing in an play room in Ansan-si, Asan-si, a member of Ansan-si, had a mind to commit an indecent act, and “I will sprink in accordance with the Igdo house,” with the victim’s hand and induced him to F 104 of the member-gu, An Ansan-si, a defendant’s residence, and then, with the victim’s hand, who presented his sexual organ, and had the victim’s sexual organ by force.”

[Fact that constitutes a ground for attachment order] The Defendant committed a sexual crime against a person under the age of 19 as stated in paragraph (1) of the above criminal facts, and is likely to recommit a sexual crime.

Summary of Evidence

[Fact 1]

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Statements made by witnesses G in the second trial records, and statements made by witnesses D in the third trial records;

1. Partial statement of the suspect interrogation protocol of the accused by the prosecution;

1. The police statement concerning G;

1. The video tape CD 2012 high-scale 292 case.
