본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2015.01.16 2013가단60692

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant is the owner of Cenz E220 automobiles (hereinafter “instant vehicle”).

B. In order to sell the instant vehicle, the Defendant placed the instant vehicle on the Internet used vehicle sales site as a thing.

C. D, E, and F were indicted by Daejeon District Court 2014Kadan207 due to the following criminal facts, and was convicted on October 29, 2014.


D, E, and F moved from around 09:30 on December 10, 2013 to the upper parallel line on the Honam Highway in front of the G apartment in Gwangju Mine-gu, and Defendant E, according to Defendant D’s instructions, called “the number of cell phone numbers used by Defendant D was known to the Plaintiff as being the Defendant, and the Plaintiff was informed of the aforementioned time and place of the Plaintiff’s car verification at the latest time and place of the car, by phoneing to the Defendant, who opened the instant vehicle as a ticket in accordance with Defendant D’s instructions.” The time and place to see the instant vehicle, which read to the effect that “the time and place to see the instant vehicle was changed to 50,000 won at the rate of KRW 42 million to KRW 2 million.”

피고인들은 원고로 하여금 같은 날 15:00경 경기도 연천군 전곡읍에 있는 전곡읍사무소 근처 공영주차장에서 피고를 만나 위 승용차를 확인하게 하는 한편, 피고인 E는 미리 피고에게 “매수인이 딜러인데 차량가격을 깎으려고 할 것이다. 그런데 딜러끼리는 가격을 잘 깎지 않기 때문에 내가 매형 명의로 자동차를 등록하였다고 매수인에게 말해놨으니 내가 처남인 것처럼 해주고, 가격흥정을 하지 못하게 매수인과 대화하지 말라”고 말하여 피고로 하여금 피해자가 승용차를 확인하는 동안 그 자리를 피하도록 하였다.


E is the Plaintiff and telephone.
