본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2015.07.09 2014고정580

[Defendant A] The defendant shall be punished by a fine of seven hundred thousand won.

Where the above fine is not paid, one million won shall be the one day.


Punishment of the crime

1. On March 9, 2010, Defendant A (the name:D) received the insurance contract that “A was driven by JM5 car while driving the H vehicle” on the side of the G middle school located in Songpa-gu Seoul, Songpa-gu Seoul, and the Defendant was driven by the Defendant and was accompanied by I, and E got the JM5 car.”

However, in fact, the above accident was caused intentionally by deceiving the victim in collusion with the defendant, I, E, and K, and there was no obligation for the victim to pay insurance money.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, etc. concealed the above points to the victim and received KRW 9,50,00 as vehicle repair expenses on March 9, 2010, KRW 1,190,00 as agreed money on March 12, 2010, KRW 105,410 as the name of treatment expenses on March 15, 2010, KRW 113,910 as agreed money on March 12, 2010, KRW 430,00 as the name of the victim, KRW 204,00 as automobile repair expenses, KRW 204,00 as automobile rental expenses, KRW 320 as part of automobile rental expenses, and KRW 320 as the name of the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant acquired the property from the victim in collusion with I, E, and K.

2. Defendant B

A. On August 28, 201, at around 11:20, the Defendant: (a) parked a L LP car in the vicinity of the Seongdong-gu Seoul Seongdong-gu Sungdong sexual zone; (b) received the said X-gu car by driving MMW car; and (c) the Defendant sent a telephone on the victim’s Dong-dong Fire, thereby leaving the phone, and (d) received the insurance “A LP car was received while driving a MM car.”

However, in fact, the above accident is an accident caused by intentional collusion between the defendant and N or K in order to deceiving the victim by deceiving the insurance money through the vehicle of the defendant who has already been damaged, and the victim did not have any obligation to pay insurance

Nevertheless, the defendant conceals the above points to the victim and the defendant.
