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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.11.24 2015가단5029421

1. The defendant's KRW 82,140,786 to the plaintiff A, KRW 2,00,000 to the plaintiff B, and KRW 1,00,000 to the plaintiff C and D respectively.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. The facts of recognition 1) E is FK3 Passenger Vehicles around 13:06 on June 22, 2014 (hereinafter “Defendant Vehicles”).

)를 운전하여 과천시 갈현동 216에 있는 47번 국도를 갈현삼거리 쪽에서 서울대공원 쪽으로 편도 4차로 중 1차로를 따라 시속 약 54km 로 진행하다가, 피고 차량의 전방에서 손으로 차로변경 신호를 하면서 3차로에서 1차로로 진로를 변경하던 원고 A 운전의 2014년식 첼로 XC70 자전거의 뒷부분을 피고 차량의 오른쪽 앞부분으로 충격하였고, 그 충격으로 원고 A를 피고 차량의 앞 유리에 부딪힌 후 바닥에 쓰러지게 하였다(이하 ‘이 사건 사고’라고 한다

2) As a result of the instant accident, Plaintiff A suffered injury, such as the ducts of ducts, ductal brains, ductal ducts damage, ducts of ducts, ducts of ducts, and ducts of ducts.

3) Plaintiff B is the wife of Plaintiff A, and Plaintiff C and D are the children of Plaintiff A. The Defendant is an insurer who entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with the Defendant’s vehicle. The Defendant is the insurer who entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with the Defendant. 【The fact that there is no dispute over the grounds for recognition, Party A’s evidence 1, Party B’s evidence 3-1 through Party B’s evidence 3-5, Party B

B. According to the above recognition of liability, the Defendant, as the insurer of the Defendant’s vehicle, was injured by the Plaintiff A due to the operation of the Defendant’s vehicle, barring any special circumstance, is liable to compensate the damages suffered by the Plaintiff A and his family members due to the instant accident.

C. The limitation of liability, however, should have changed the course from three lanes to one lane if the plaintiff A also intends to change the vehicle line from two lanes, once again, after checking the situation of the one lane, and without impeding the normal passage of the vehicle running along the one lane, but should have changed the course from three lanes to one lane. However, it is possible to change the vehicle line from one lane to one lane and give a signal of the change of course at the time of entering the two lanes to one lane.
