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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2017.05.26 2017고단747

1. The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for one year;

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

전화금융 사기 조직은 전화를 이용하여 불특정 다수의 피해자에게 전화를 걸어 거짓말로 피해자들을 속여 계좌로 돈을 이체 받은 후 이를 인출해 가는 소위 ‘ 보이스 피 싱’ 방법으로 범행을 하는 조직으로서, 조직원들이 순차 공모하여 불특정 다수의 피해자들에게 전화 ㆍ 인터넷 등으로 피해자들을 기망하여 입금을 유도하는 유인책, 범행에 사용될 통장 ㆍ 카드 등 접근 매체를 모집하는 모집 책, 접근 매체를 이용하여 연결된 계좌에 입금된 피해 금을 인출하여 전달 책에게 직접 운반하는 인출 책, 인출된 피해 금을 인출 책으로부터 전달 받아 성명 불상의 전화금융 사기 조직원이 지시한 계좌로 송금하는 전달 책 등으로 각 역할을 분담하고 있고, 수사기관의 추적이 곤란한 속칭 ‘QQ 어 플’ 등 SNS 메시지로 연락하는 등의 점조직 형태로 운영되고 있다.


A included a certain amount of damage from an employee of the non-named telephone financial fraud fraud in the category of "compact for delivery of the telephone financial fraud crime" under the condition that he receives a certain amount of damage as a daily wage, and Defendant B included a "propact for withdrawal" that withdraws the amount of damage deposited in the account in the name of Defendant B and directly delivers it to the delivery book on the condition that he would have the employee get a loan from the telephone financial fraud broker in the name of hand.

1. Joint crimes committed by the Defendants

A. On February 21, 2017, an employee in charge of telephone financing fraud refers to the victim F by telephone that he/she would increase credit if he/she deposits money from private financing to the account notified by him/her to obtain a loan of KRW 9 million, and then would allow the victim to transfer the amount of KRW 9 million from the national bank account in the name of the victim B (number : G) to the national bank account in the name of the defendant B (H) around February 22, 2017, and the defendant B is located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government.
