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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2017.05.23 2017고단560

[Defendant A and B] Defendant A shall be punished by a fine of two million won, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of one million won.

The defendants are the defendants.


Punishment of the crime

[Presumption Facts] On May 3, 2014, F and G conspiredd with having the juveniles engaged in sexual traffic to collect money by making them engage in sexual traffic, and had the Defendants B and A, who were known to the general public, intented to engage in sexual traffic, and colored the male who is engaged in sexual traffic with cell phones or computer. From around 21:00 on the same day to around 21:20 on the same day, F and G had Defendant B and Defendant A receive sexual traffic for payment.

Afterwards, F and G were under drinking alcohol with Defendant B and Defendant A at the Jel located in Daejeon, Seo-gu, Daejeon, on May 4, 2014, at around 02:00, and F and G were under drinking alcohol to other heading rooms, and F followed Defendant B, who was accumulated in the bend unit, and called “I amben and I amben” on the floor of Defendant B, who was on the floor of the bend unit, led Defendant B to the bending. While Defendant B continued to be on the bending part of the bend unit, Defendant B’s chest was under the hands of Defendant B, and Defendant B was under the influence of alcohol, and Defendant B was under the influence of alcohol, and sexual intercourse by inserting Defendant B’s Ba and panty, and inserting Defendant B’s son who was under the influence of alcohol.

In addition, as above, while moving Defendant A to another heading room, under the influence of alcohol, Defendant A, who was under the influence of alcohol, continued to leave Defendant A’s chest by her hand on the bend, but the refusal of Defendant A was caused by Defendant A’s movement to the bend, Defendant A’s her spoke and panty to be cut down to the bend and down to the bend, Defendant A’s spoke by hand, Defendant A’s spoke and panty, and Defendant A’s her spoke by her hand, and Defendant A’s her spoke by her spoke, and sexual intercourse with Defendant A by inserting the reflect of Defendant A by her spokeing and pushedping his her spoke, and inserting it into a sexual organ.

[Criminal facts]

1. Notwithstanding Defendant A, the Defendant, despite having agreed with G around September 4, 2015, with respect to the foregoing case, shall be his father.
