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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.01.29 2018고정2097

The defendant is not guilty, and the summary of the judgment of innocence is publicly notified.


1. In order to protect the health and sanitation, safety, learning of students and educational environment, no person who is charged with the charges shall conduct business in which physical contact or sex-related body parts, such as a toilet, bath, etc., are likely to be exposed, or act of sexual intercourse or similarity, by installing separate facilities, such as a toilet, bath, etc., in an educational environment protection zone, by dividing the smuggling or sealed space or partitions, etc. or other similar facilities;

Nevertheless, from February 27, 2018 to May 15, 2018, the Defendant: (a) operated seven rooms enclosed with the trade name of “D” from “B University” (hereinafter “B University”) located in educational environment protection zone from May 15, 2018; (b) one shower room; (c) one toilet room; and (d) one female employees waiting room with a certain amount of money from an unspecified male guest; and (d) operated a business in which it is likely to expose the female employees employed by receiving a certain amount of money from “D”, by allowing the female employees to drink male customers.

2. The following facts acknowledged by the evidence adopted and examined by this court are positively denied the charges that: ① the Defendant, from the investigative agency to this court, has consistently denied the charges that “it was engaged in a healthy strawing business that forcibly pressures the body in the state of her personal injury or unsatisfysing the her personal injury and unsatisfysing the her personal injury, and there is no fact that the Defendant carried out a business that is likely to engage in sexual intercourse or acts of similarity by means of drinking the customers in the sealed space; ② Employees E at the scene of the control are also employed by the investigative agency.”
