1. With respect to the invalidity confirmation of the destruction of the instant lawsuit, the part concerning the restoration to the original state, and the restoration to the original state.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 당사자의 지위 1) 피고는 석가세존(釋迦世尊)의 자각각타(自覺覺他), 각행원만(覺行圓滿)한 근본교리를 봉체하며 직지인심(直指人心), 견성성불(見性成佛), 전법도생(傳法度生)함을 종지로 하고, 종헌, 종법 등 자율규범을 마련하여 단체 및 신앙의 질서를 유지하는 종교단체로서, 그 산하에 의결기관으로 원로회의 및 중앙종회, 집행기관으로 총무원, 사법기관으로 호계원 및 법규위원회, 선거관리기관으로 중앙 및 교구선거관리위원회를 두고 있고, 총무원 산하에 25개의 본사(本寺)를 두고 있다. 2) 원고(개명 전 이름은 ‘B’이고, 법명은 ‘C’이다)는 2013. 5.경까지 피고 소속 D의 말사인 E의 주지로 재적하던 승려이다.
B. On July 8, 2013, the Plaintiff filed a self-denunciation statement with the head of the Daegu District Prosecutors' Office, stating that “F (the name of law; hereinafter the same shall apply to the name of law), H (I), J (K), L (O), P (O), Q (S), TU (S), V (W), X (W), Z (AA (AC), and AB (AC) reported a self-denunciation statement with the content that “F (the name of law is all included in the overall name of law), Q (O), Q (S), Q (S), and CB (AC at any time for over twenty (20) years.”
3) On February 10, 2014, the Daegu District Prosecutors’ Office rendered a disposition regarding the Plaintiff’s above accusation against the Plaintiff. C. D. Already F(W), on July 12, 2013, the Defendant General Security Office committed an act detrimental to the marization of literature by: (a) the Plaintiff left the Ministry of Justice as a candidate for the AG chief, and slandered the other candidate; (b) the GaH “AH” was formed; and (c) the Plaintiff damaged the dignity of the deceased members, such as joining the metropolitan autonomous body, and going to the National Assembly members.