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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울행정법원 2010.12.22. 선고 2010구합3107 판결

2010Guhap3107 Pro-Japanese Action Revocation of Disposition



Intervenor joining the Intervenor

1. B

2. C


Minister of Public Administration

Conclusion of Pleadings

October 20, 2010

Imposition of Judgment

December 22, 2010


1. The part of the committee to ascertain the truth of anti-national acts determined as pro-Japanese acts under Article 2 subparag. 14 of the Special Act on Finding the Truth of Anti-National Acts under the Japanese colonial Rule No. 2009, Jun. 29, 2009, shall be revoked.

2. The plaintiff's remaining claims are dismissed.

3. Of the costs of lawsuit, the part arising between the Plaintiff and the Defendant shall be three minutes, and the remainder shall be borne by the Plaintiff, the Defendant, and the part resulting from the participation shall be three minutes, and the remainder shall be borne by the Plaintiff’s Intervenor, and the Defendant, respectively.

Purport of claim

Article 2 subparag. 13, 14, and 17 of the Special Act on Finding the Truth of Anti-National Acts under the Japanese colonial Rule No. 1 of the Act on Finding the Truth of Anti-National Acts on June 29, 2009 shall be revoked.


1. Details of the decision;

A. The network D (hereinafter referred to as "the network") was born in E and sent B president from March 23, 1933 to August 10, 1940. It is presumed that the author, compilation and publisher of the magazine from November 1, 1935 to August 1945 were deceased on or around 1955.

B. On June 29, 2009, the Committee for Finding the Truth of Anti-National Acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee of this case") decided that each act listed in attached Form 1 of the deceased's attached Table 1 was an anti-national act listed in Article 2 subparagraphs 13, 14, and 17 of the Special Act on Finding the Truth of Anti-National Acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Act on Anti-National Acts") (hereinafter referred to as the "decision of this case").

C. The Plaintiff is the deceased’s grandchildren and the Plaintiff’s Intervenor C, and the Defendant is the deceased’s grandchildren, and the Defendant is the person who succeeded to the authority relating to the instant decision as the period of the commission’s activity expires on November 30, 2009.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts without dispute, entry of Gap evidence 1, purport of whole pleadings]

2. Judgment on the main defense of this case

A. First, the defendant argues that the decision of the Committee of this case is merely a pure result of the pro-Japanese act and does not affect the rights and duties of the deceased or the plaintiff, who is a person subject to pro-Japanese act. Thus, it does not constitute "disposition, etc. subject to administrative litigation."

Article 4 of the Special Act on Anti-National Acts provides that the duties of the committee in this case include matters concerning the selection of persons subject to investigation of pro-Japanese acts, investigation of pro-Japanese acts conducted by persons subject to investigation, collection and analysis of domestic and foreign data related to pro-Japanese acts, and decision-making of pro-Japanese acts by the persons subject to investigation of pro-Japanese acts shall be based on the investigation report, and the committee in this case shall prepare an annual report on the activities of the committee and report it to the President and the National Assembly (Article 25 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals), and the report on the investigation report and the feed thereof shall be published (Article 26 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals), and Article 27 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals shall be disclosed (Article 27 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals). Meanwhile, Article 10(1) of the Constitution provides that all citizens have the right to pursue happiness with dignity and dignity as human

In full view of the above provisions, if the committee determines the act of a person subject to investigation as a pro-Japanese act, it is highly likely that the person subject to investigation may be directly infringed on his personal right due to damage to the person subject to investigation’s reputation, as well as the social reputation of the person subject to investigation. Furthermore, if the committee determines as a pro-Japanese act, the report of investigation and the feed should be disclosed externally, so the decision of pro-Japanese act by the committee of this case is limited to the general personality right of the person subject to investigation, and therefore, it is reasonable to deem that the act is not simple academic research institute but directly affected the rights and duties of the people. In addition, the special law on the state belonging to the property of pro-Japanese and anti-National Collaborative Acts provides that the property of the person who committed the act under Article 2 and Article 3 of the Special Act on Anti-National Collaborative Acts and the property inherited therefrom shall belong to the State under certain requirements, and the committee’s investigation results under Article 5 of the same Act may be invoked in the course of investigation and selection of pro-National Collaborative Acts.

Therefore, since the decision of this case constitutes a disposition subject to administrative litigation, the defendant's defense is without merit.

B. In addition, the defendant did not infringe on the legal interest of the deceased, who is the deceased, due to the decision of this case, and the legal status of the plaintiff, who is not the person subject to investigation, was not affected. Thus, the plaintiff has no legal interest to seek the cancellation of the decision of this case.

As a result of the decision of this case, the deceased, who is a person subject to investigation, is evaluated as a pro-Japanese offender, and the plaintiff, his lineal descendant, is evaluated as a descendants of pro-Japanese actors. Thus, there is room to harm the plaintiff's reputation, and the above decision directly limits his personality rights after impairing the social reputation of the deceased, who is a person subject to investigation. ② Article 2 subparagraph 2 of the Special Act on the Reversion of Property Belonging to Pro-Japanese Anti-National Collaborative Acts defines property as pro-Japanese property. Thus, the plaintiff, who is a lineal descendant of the person subject to investigation, is at risk of being restricted from property rights due to the decision of this case. ③ Articles 19 (2), 24, and 28 of the Special Act on Anti-National Collaborative Acts, the plaintiff as well as his lineal descendant of the person subject to investigation, has the right to receive notification and objection regarding the selection of the person subject to investigation, right to state opinion in the course of investigation, and right to raise objections to the investigation results.

Therefore, the defendant's defense is without merit.

3. Whether the decision of this case is legitimate

A. Summary of the plaintiff's cause of claim

The plaintiff asserts that the decision of this case is unlawful for the following reasons.

1) In order to constitute pro-Japanese act under Article 2 subparag. 13 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption, Article 2 subparag. 13 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals, it shall be limited to cases where a social or cultural institution or organization is organized and operated or engaged in at least active activities to the extent that it is equivalent to the organization or operation of a social or cultural institution or organization for the purpose of resistant melting or demination campaign

A) Attached 1. A. An act described in paragraph (1)

The deceased is highly likely to have made a speech or a lecture due to the strong pressure of Japanese government, and there is no specific material about its contents. Thus, the above speech or lecture alone cannot be deemed as having actively cooperated with the Japanese government's internal decentralization or sulfurization campaign.

B) The phrase “F” in [Attachment 1-B] No. 1-B] of [Attachment 1-B] cannot be deemed as a active cooperation with the Japanese government’s internal emulation or yellowization movement solely on the fact that he was the issuer of F, etc., because he only maintained a color of friendship with the suppression and coercion of Japanese colonialism.

C) Attached 1. C. An act described in Section 1.0

The deceased was only a member of AO organization, etc. due to the pressure and coercion of Japanese governmentism, and it was not directly organized or operated by him, and it was not revealed that the deceased actively cooperates with the Japanese government's internal decentralization or yellowization movement through any action.

2) In order to fall under pro-Japanese acts under Article 2 subparag. 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption, Article 2 subparag. 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption should not only be the case where not only the manufacturer of munitions was in a certain position but also the manufacturer of munitions operated the manufacturer of munitions to assist in carrying out the war of Japanese government. Thus, the fact that the deceased was in the status of G promoters, shareholders, and auditors of the company cannot be seen as such.

3) In order to fall under the act of pro-Japanese under Article 2 subparag. 17 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationalism (Article 2 subparag. 17) and to fall under the act of pro-Japanese under the act of anti-Japanese under Article 2 subparag. 17 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationalism, the fact of active cooperation in the Japanese colonial rule and the war against aggression should be recognized. The deceased did not voluntarily join the organization and voluntarily cooperate in the colonial rule and the war against aggression of the Japanese colonial rule.

(b) Related statutes;

Attached Form 2 is as shown in the relevant statutes.

C. Judgment of illegality regarding the decision of this case

In interpreting the law that deprives or limits the fundamental rights of the people, it shall be strictly interpreted in accordance with the purport and language of the law, and it shall not be interpreted by analogy or expansion without permission. Article 1 of the Anti-National Special Act provides that the purpose of this law is to confirm the truth of history and the national identity of the nation and to realize social justice by identifying the truth of the fact of pro-Japanese acts conducted for the Japanese colonialism. Article 2 provides that the specific types of pro-Japanese acts are listed in the form of such acts, and the "act of actively cooperating in the Japanese colonial rule and the aggressive War" that is defined as the form of the act is unclear, as well as because there is a risk of excessively widen considering the historical and political situation at the time, the Special Act on Anti-Nationals is limited to its subject and form. As seen in the above 2nd paragraph, the deceased or his lineal descendant, who is a person subject to investigation, shall be interpreted by the ruling of the case, to the extent that the act of anti-national special law does not violate the fundamental rights and property rights.

We examine the validity of the Plaintiff’s individual assertion on the premise of such a legal doctrine.

D. Determination on Article 2 subparag. 13 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption

1) Facts of recognition

A) Broadcasting and lectures

(1) Around August 1937, the Deceased’s lectures of “J” in the second broadcast of a broadcasting station, and the content thereof are as follows.

Since the late 22th of August 21, 1937, K "K", a broadcasting station has mobilized a famous person in the city in order to deepen the general public's perception, and the 20th of that day is the 6th of the Sin of the Sing of the Sing of the Sing of the Sing of the Republic of Korea and continued to spread the Sing of the city. The 20th of that day is the 6th of the Sing of the Sing of the Gung of the Republic of Korea, and the Japan's country has disturbed the extreme peace by moving the Do to the Republic of Korea, and the Japan's country has the strong opportunity to establish the extreme peace by extinguishing the distribution day after the extreme is the dynamic.

(2) 조선총독부는 중일전쟁에 즈음하여 시국인식의 철저와 총후성원(銃聲援)의 강화 등 3대 강령을 내세워 언론계, 교육계, 종교계, 중추원참의 등 사회유력자 60 여명을 동원하여 지방의 군청소재지를 중심으로 그 지방의 유력자와 관민 혹은 청년 등을 상대로 강연을 하게 하기로 하였는데 망인은 경기도의 연사로 배정되어 (경기도는 연사 4명을 3반으로 나누어 강연단을 구성하였는데, 망인은 M 소속이었다) 1937. 9. 6.부터 같은 달 12.까지 경기 연천, 양주, 포천, 장단, 파주, 개성, 김포, 강화, 부천에서 'N' 등의 제목으로 강연을 하였고, 망인의 강연에 대한 당시의 신문 보도내용은 아래와 같다.

「0」 ‘’ 1937. 9. 8. 7년이번 제2차 시국순회강연은 지난 6일 아침 9시부터 의정부 P학교 강당에서 개최되었는데 Q씨의 강사 소개가 있은 다음 본사 사장 D씨가 등단하여 지나사변의 원인과 지나에 대한 세계열국의 태세와금후 국민의 각오에 대한 한 시간의 열변이 있었고, 이어 목사 R씨가 등단하여 현하 시국에 대한재인식을 강조하고 끝을 마쳤는데 청중 약 500여명의 집합으로 대성황을 이루었었다. 오후에는 연천에서 강연이 있기로 되어 한시 반 열차로 출발하였다.'S, 'T' 1937. 9. 8. 3면1) 지나의 오만으로 II의 불확대주의를 마침내 그주의로 導火하고 말았으며,斯事變은 지구적 장기전으로의 OO에 좌함으로 국민으로 하여금 시국에 대한 재인식을 確立把持하게 하기 위하여 6일 연천시국대강연이 개최되었다. 연사로서는 B사장 D씨와 기독교목사 R씨가 來連하여 U학교 대강당에서 D연사는 지나사변과 제국의 결의라는 연체로 약 1시간, R연사는 시국의 재인식이라는 연제하에 약 1시간 하의 열변을 토하였는데, 내외에 운집한 청중은 무그를 할 성황을하였는데 청중으로 하여금 많은 感激을 갖게 하였다. 한다.V」 ‘T’ 1937. 9. 11. 3파주군에서는 8일 W학교 강당에서 B 사장 D씨는 X이란 제목으로, Y교회목사 B씨는 7이라는 제목으로 시국에 대한 강연을 개최하였다.「AA」 ‘T' 1937, 9. 15, 4면시국인식의 철저를 기하기 위하여 본부에서 파견한 경기 강연대 M인 B사장 D씨와 Y교회목사 R씨는 지난 12일 오후 1시부터 AB에서 AC씨의 개회사로 시작되었는데 각 군내 면장, 진흥회장, 구장기타 천여 명의 청강자가 있어 일성황을 이루고 오후 4시 반에 폐회하였다. 한다.「AD」 ‘T' 1937. 9. 19.지나사변은 其後 益가 악화되어 全面的 支那D方□으로 도 -OD에 한 사정에 미여 그 후 시국관계를 일반에게 그지그하기 위하여 본부로부터 파견한 B사장 DM, Y목사 R씨의 시국재인식 강연회는 예정과 같이 11일 오후 1시 반부터 AE 대강당에서 그군수를 위시하여 官公長CO員, 지방유지, 靑年一員 천오백여명 參集그에 개최하고 군수의 개회인사와 강소개가 있은 다음 AFN이 정한 (중략) 多大한 感銘을 與하고 동오후DIOD하였다.

B) Publication of “F” in magazines and publication of the foregoing magazines

(1) On November 1935, the Deceased published the “F” of the magazine. From April 1940, the “F” of the magazine was replaced by the issuer to AG that was drafted by the LPublication Division. From this point of time, as follows: (a) actively helps in the Japanese colonial war; (b) stressed the internal body; and (c) published the editorials and literary articles that actively encourage Koreans to be subject to the Japanese War and actively soliciting military soldiers.

「권두언 : AH, 'F' 제6권 제7호, 1940. 7. 1. 20~21 쪽소화 12년 7월 7일 蘆溝橋上의 일발 총성은 동양영원의 평화를 울리는 曉鐘의 프를로그였다. (중략)명치 27~28년의 일청전쟁과 37~38년의 일로전역에서 승전한 그 패기가 30여년의 세월이 흐른 오들에 있어서는 만주건국 지나사변으로 인한 신동아질서의 건설로써 我日本은 완전히 동양의 맹주가되었으니 이는 오로지 강직한 일본정신의 발로일 것이다.萬世一系의 皇統을 이으옵신 世界無比의 깨끗하옵신 역사를 가진 우리 일본황실의 번영이 이처럼날로 漸開하는 것은 위로 성명 하옵신 천황폐하를 모시옵고 아래로 국민이 일치단결 국운의 번영을꾀한 때문일 것이다. (중략)「사설 : A」 ‘F’ 제6권 제10호, 1940. 10. 1. 20~21 쪽壤古無北의 시국하 광휘 있는 皇紀二千大百年과 함께 금 10월 1일로써 施政十周年 기념일을 맞이하였다. (중략) 명치 43년 8월 22일 日韓 양국은 드디어 양국의 행복과 동양영원의 평화를 위하여양국 병합의 조약을 체결하고 그 달 29일부터 이것을 공포실시하였다. (중략) AJ 총독은 조선통치의대본을 정하여 창업의 토대를 쌓은 위대한 공적을 남겼거니와 이래 만 30년간 현 AK총독에 이르기까지 7대 총독을 맞이하였는데, 각각 그 시대의 요구와 필요에 따라 혹은 제도개혁에, 치안확립에혹은 경제기구와 산업시설에 혹은 교육시설에 주력하는 등 모두 특색 있는 정책을 실시하여 그 결과는 오늘날과 같은 문화조선건설을 결실시켰다.(중략) 생각건대 제국은 현하 前古未聞의 대역사적 전환기에 당면하고 있다. 東亞의 新秩序建設은곧 제국의 백년대계인 동시에 전동아의 백년대계요 또 그 공존공영의 최선택이다. (중략)難局이요또 중대시기인 이때에 처하여 2천 3백만의 반도민중은 한결같이 內鮮一體의 寶을 봉하여서 皇國臣民된 책임을 다하지 않으면 안될 것은 물론이거니와 특히 의의 깊은 施政三十周年을 맞이하여 각각자기의 시국 인식을 반성하고 시국의 장래를 透察하여 일층 각오를 굳게 하고 또 一段의 노력을 더하여 그 영예를 선양하도록 힘써야 할 것이다.권두언 : AL, 'F' 제9권 제9호, 1943. 9. 1. 13쪽(전략) 남태평양의 대소모전, 북장의 천국은 일억국민의 총궐기를 재청하여 마지않는 바 이다. (중략)

반도청년의 황군에의 편입은 말할 것도 없고, 노무원으로 군속으로, 아직껏 펴보지 못한 웅지를 남북으로 떨칠 기회가 우리에게 주어졌고, 양곡 공출에 힘쓰는 농민의 聖汗, 광물비상증산운동에 주야挺身하는 광산종업원, 기타 산업전사의 決戰的 기개에 맞추어 가정생활에서는 저축강화 최저생활감수의 도도한 決戰生活譜를 보여주고 있다. (중략)

(2) The Deceased, while holding concurrently the president of AG and the author of the “F” in the magazine “F”, was based on the following discussions:

사장 D 「권두언 : AM, 'F' 제6권 제11호, 1940. 11. 1. 18~19쪽본지는 금 11월로 창간 만 5주년을 맞이하였습니다. (중략) 소화 12년 7월에는 동아신질서건설을목표로 하던 세기적 대사건 日支紛爭이 발단되었고, 작년 9월에는 독일의 구주 신질서건설사업인 제2차 구주대전쟁이 발발되어 세계신질서건설은 지금 日獨伊 삼국에 의하여 용감하게 진전되고 있습니다. (중략)그런데 이제 5년 전이나 3년 전과 같이 세계의 동향은 애매한 것이 아니고 아주 확연하여 쳤습니다.제국은 獨伊와 손을 잡고 세계신질서건설에 參하고 있습니다. 지나에서 사변이 발발한 이래 우리는 時局認識徹底化에도 徵力을 다하여 왔습니다. 그러나 이제부터 시국이라고 하는 것은 3년 전과도다르고 2년 전과도 달라졌습니다. 국민된 자로서 누구나 실로 최후의 각오를 하지 않으면 안 될 때를 당하였습니다. 안으로는 신체제의 확립, 밖으로는 혁신외교정책을 강행하여 하루 바삐 동아신질서건설을 완성시켜서 세계의 신질서를 건설하고 한 걸음 나아가서 세계영구평화를 기도하지 않으면안 되게 되었습니다. 국민은 모름지기 이 線에 따라 행동하고 생활하고 하지 않으면 안 됩니다. 그러면 여러분의 생활의 반려인 본지의 앞으로의 수력이 어디에 있겠는가는 다시 썼煥할 필요조차 없을 것입니다. 국가의 대이상에 따라 문화정책이 세워질 것이요, 새 문화는 종래의 자유주의, 개인주의를 지양하고 일로 전체주의적인 방향으로 향하여 달음질치도록 운명이 결정되었습니다. 우리는 이국책과 신문화정책선에 따라 시국을 인식시키고 또한 조선문화향상에 일단의 노력을 더하려 합니다.▶ D 「AN」 ‘F' 제8권 제2호, 1942. 2. 1. 115~116쪽나는 그동안 마침 시골 농촌에 갔다가 이번 대동아전이 일어난 것을 3일 늦게야 알게 되어 매우 유감으로 생각했다. 이미 선전포고가 내렸고, 그 嶺戰에 있어 그들이 항상 자랑하던 미국의 태평양함대와 영국 극동함대가 軍의 기습작전 일격 아래에 박멸되었다는 보도를 보고 그 순간 나는 실로한없이 감격하는 동시에 통쾌하다는 느낌을 금할 수가 없었다.(중략) 그러므로 나는 이번 전쟁에 있어 皇軍이 가는 곳 어데고 대적이 있으리요마는 하늘이 벌하는것이기 때문에 승리는 반드시 우리에게 있다고 확신하는 바이다. (중략) 우리는 자각과 결심을 새로이 하여 전쟁은 이제부터라는 굳은 의지를 깨닫지 않아서는 안 될 것이다. 이제 필승을 위하여 지키

지 않으면 안 될 몇 가지 조건을 참고삼아 말하겠다.첫째 유언비어에 미혹치 말자. 單官당국을 절대로 신뢰하여 설혹 불의의 변이 있다고 할지라도 침착하게 당국의 지시를 받아야 할 것이다.둘째는 國民皆勞運動이다. 일하지 않는 사람은 국민이 아니라는 관념을 깊게 하여 정신적 분발을 강조하는 동시에 생산 확충에 일심협력해야 할 것이다.셋째 물자 절약이다. 물자가 장기전에 중요한 요소임은 말할 것도 없거니와 -粒의 米, 한 오리의 실이라도 우리 생명과 같이 아낄 것이며, 생활은 萬難을 무릅쓰고 최저한도로 주리지 않으면 안 된다.모든 것은 자기표준을 떠나서 공익 우선적으로 나아가야 할 것이다.넷째는 저축의 강화이다. 빈자에 一燈이란 말도 있거니와 국민 각 개인의 일분의 저금은 전 국가의힘, 거액의 금액이 되는 것이다. 우리는 이제부터 생활보다도 저금우선주의로 나가지 않으면 안 될줄 믿는다.이상 필수조건 몇 가지를 말했지만 특히 반도 민중으로서는 과거의 전쟁에 체험이 없으니만큼 이번지나사변 등에 있어서는 국민으로의 試練體得覺悟 모든 결의를 가지지 않으면 안 된다는 것을 명심해야 할 것이다.어떻든 반도 민중은 이때에 심혈총력을 경주, 물력과 심혈을 총경주하여 국책에 협력하자는 것입니다.

C) Executive officers of AO organizations and AP organizations

(1) At the time of the event of AR, which is the President of AP, on August 27, 1941, 1941, the organization formed a leading figures (such as nets, AS, AT, AU, etc.) in each field of religion, economy, culture, education, etc. The main purpose of its activities was to prepare and implement a plan for the thorough strengthening of material and labor entry and the minimum standard standardization movement for people's lives under the wartime regime.

(2) The Deceased was one of the 35 preparatory members of the AO organization, and on September 7, 1941, at the organization A0 on September 7, 1941, the deceased promoted directly war cooperation among citizens and sold their claims.

(3) 망인은 이어 1941. 10.경 AP단체의 발기인 겸 이사로 취임하였는데, AP단체의 강령은 '황국신민으로서의 황도정신을 선양하고 사상의 통일을 기함, 전시체제에 기하여 국민생활의 쇄신을 기함, 근로보국의 정신에 기초한 국민개로(國民皆勞)의 실을 거두기를 기함, 국가우선의 정신에 기초한 국채의 소화(消化), 저축의 여행(行), 물자의 공출, 생산의 확충에 매진하는 것을 기함, 국방사상의 보급을 도모함과 동시에 일조 유사(朝有事)의 때에 의용방위의 실을 거두기를 기함'이었다.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1, 2, Eul evidence 2, Eul evidence 6, evidence 7, the purport of whole pleadings]

2) Determination

Considering the significant impact of the decision on pro-Japanese and anti-national act on the person subject to investigation and his descendants, the contents and method of the specific act of the person subject to investigation shall be proved to the extent that the decision on pro-Japanese act is reasonable.

However, in order to determine that certain acts constitute pro-Japanese and anti-national acts under Article 2 subparagraph 13 of the Special Act on Anti-National Taxes, it is only sufficient to actively lead the movement of anti-Japaneseism or deulization and does not require any social and cultural institution or organization to directly organize and operate the society, culture institution or organization for the purpose of actively leading the decentralization or deulization of Japaneseism: Provided, That taking into account the differences in the text and text of Article 2 subparagraph 10, 17, 19, 20 and Article 2 subparagraph 13 of the Special Act on Anti-National Taxes, the active cooperation of the Japanese colonialism in the Japanese colonialism must be conducted in the way of "pro-Japanese or deulization movement," and in the sense of meaning, it is distinguishable from the ‘co-operation' [the principal claim so that it is difficult to do so.

In the case of the act described in Section 1. C. 2 as to the instant case, the health unit, No. 1.1

The deceased was appointed as a promoter and director of the AP organization around October 1941. However, there is no evidence as to whether the above organization actually performed any activity to actively lead the Japanese anti-government or anti-government movement, and whether the deceased play a certain role inside the above organization. Meanwhile, in the case of each act described in attached Table 1-A-A, the deceased's act of anti-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-state-U.

However, according to the above facts, it is reasonable to see that the deceased actively together with the Japanese colonial rule and the Japanese colonial rule by actively leading the Japanese colonial rule through cultural institutions and organizations to actively cooperate with the Japanese colonial rule and the Japanese colonial rule by actively promoting the Japanese colonial rule, and as long as each act constitutes Article 2 subparagraph 13 of the Anti-National Special Act, the above part of the decision of this case is legitimate.

E. Determination on Article 2 subparag. 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption

1) Facts of recognition

A) On October 26, 194, G Co., Ltd. was designated as a single-lane military company on December 8, 194 as a company established by combining AW and AX, which was operated with the guidance of the military on October 26, 194 and the support of the relevant authorities.

B) On September 7, 1944, G Co., Ltd. held a general meeting of promoters and held the general meeting on October 26, 194 with a fixed authorization on September 7, 194 at the end of the year, and on October 26, 194. The promoters were eight (200,000 shares of G Co., Ltd.), namely, AV, Jeonyang-type, Yangyang-type, AV, and eight (20,000 shares of G Co., Ltd.). The president of G Co., Ltd. and three (3) regular directors and two (2) auditors were auditors.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1, 2, Eul evidence 8-1, 2-2, the purport of the whole pleadings]

2) Determination

In order to be regarded as pro-Japanese act as stipulated in Article 2, subparagraph 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals, the operation of the manufacturer of munitions is required for the purpose of assisting the Japanese government in the execution of war. In order to operate the manufacturer of munitions (management and operation according to the organization and organization), the circumstances that the manufacturer of munitions was actually involved at least in the decision-making of the manufacturer of munitions should be recognized, and the mere fact that the manufacturer was involved in the establishment by investing part in the manufacturer of munitions or was in a certain position is insufficient.

As seen above, the health team and the deceased as one of the promoters for the establishment of G Co., Ltd. as to the instant case. However, it is difficult to view that the deceased actually participated in the decision-making of G Co., Ltd. and there is no other evidence to acknowledge this otherwise.

Therefore, it was erroneous that the deceased’s act constitutes pro-Japanese and anti-national act under Article 2 subparag. 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals.

F. Determination on Article 2 subparag. 17 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption

1) Facts of recognition

가) 조선총독부는 중일전쟁 이후 전시체제기로 접어들면서 1938. 6.경 황국정신, 내선일체의 완성, 전시경제정책 협력 등 전쟁지원을 목적으로 각종 관변기구와 민간단체를 망라하여 관변단체인 H연맹(H聯盟)을 결성하였고, 위 연맹은 '거국일치(擧國--致)·진충보국(盡忠報國) · 견인지구(聖引持久)'의 3개 목표를 내걸었는바, 망인은 H연맹의 하부지부인 AY연맹의 상담역, H연맹 산하의 AZ위원회의 위원을 맡았고, 1938.경부터 1939.경까지는 H연맹의 발기인 및 평의원을 맡아 연맹에 관한 중요한 사항을 심의하였다.

나) 조선총독부는 전쟁이 확대되어 가자 1940. 10.경 조선의 인적·물적 자원을 침략전쟁 수행에 총동원하기 위하여 H연맹을 전시 최대의 관변 통제기구인 BA연맹 (BA聯盟)으로 확대 개편하였는데, 위 연맹은 '국체본의(國體本義)의 투철로부터 도의 조선(道義朝鮮)의 확립을 기도하여 2천5백만 신민의 총력을 결집 연마하여 대동아전쟁 목적의 완수에 매진하고, 더불어 도래하는 징병제도 실시 준비에 유감없이 기한다'라고 운동방침을 천명한 후, 1944.경까지 궁성요배운동 전개, 국어(일어)상용운동 전개, 징병 제실시 감사결의 선양운동 전개, 국민징용취지 철저운동 실시 등 일본제국주의 말기의 식민지 지배에 있어 중요한 역할을 수행하였다. 망인은 위 연맹의 창립시부터 1944.경까지 위 연맹의 참사로서 이사를 보좌하고 사무의 집행을 참획(參劃)하는 역할을 하였고, 1942.에는 위 연맹의 사무국 선전부 위원을 지냈다.

[Ground for Recognition: Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1, and evidence 2, the purport of the whole pleadings]

2) Determination

According to the above facts, it is reasonable to view that the deceased was continuously engaged in activities from around 1938 to 194 such as promoters, members of the Council, members of the Council, and members of the Council, etc., and that the deceased was registered only in the name of each of the above federations due to the strong pressure of Japanese government, rather than that the deceased was registered only in the name of each of the above federations due to the strong pressure of Japanese government.

Therefore, the above acts constitute pro-Japanese acts under Article 2, subparagraph 14 of the Special Act on Anti-Corruption.

We affirm that the Court’s ruling is justifiable.

G. Judgment on the Plaintiff’s assertion

The plaintiff, even if it is recognized that the deceased engaged in each act listed in the annexed Table 1, should consider not only the act in question but also the overall tendency, human relations, etc. of the deceased in order to determine that each act constitutes pro-Japanese act. The deceased continuously participated in the anti-Japanese campaign, such as subsidization of funeral expenses to BE and BF. Thus, the decision of this case is unlawful.

The plaintiff's assertion that one's act cannot be assessed separately from the historical, social, and cultural context where one's act was committed. However, with respect to the fact that the deceased continuously participated in the anti-Japanese movement, it is not sufficient to recognize that the records of evidence Nos. 3, 4-1, 2, and 5-1 through 4, and 6-1 through 9 are sufficient, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge it. Considering the above, the decision of this case is not basically intended to define the deceased as a pro-Japanese and anti-national act, but rather, it is difficult to directly establish the historical, social, and cultural spirit of the deceased and to give lessons to the deceased. In general, since the human act is the tension between external pressure and inner conscience and the deceased's act of assistance from the deceased, it is difficult to determine whether the deceased's individual act of assistance is a pro-Japanese and anti-national act of assistance from the deceased's general person's act of assistance from the deceased's own perspective or its motive to the same effect as the deceased's independent act of assistance from the deceased's general person's act.


Therefore, the part of the decision of this case, which determined the deceased's act Nos. 1 2 and 2 as pro-Japanese behavior under Article 2 (14) of the Special Act on Anti-Nationals. Thus, the plaintiff's assertion pointing this out is justified, and the remaining part of the decision is legitimate, and the plaintiff's claim seeking revocation is dismissed as it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition


The presiding judge, judge and deputy judge

Judge Chuncheon

Judges Kim Gin-A

Note tin

1) The term “contribute” is a letter that is difficult to read; hereinafter the same shall apply.

Attached Form

A person shall be appointed.

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