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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.03.23 2017고단6356


A Imprisonment for one year, Defendant C shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months, Defendant B and D by a fine of 20,000,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant A was sentenced to a suspended sentence of ten months of imprisonment with prison labor for special larceny from a member of the Suwon District Court on December 14, 2016 and was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years on December 22, 2016, which became final and conclusive on December 22, 2016.

[2] Criminal facts by J and K are the unregistered petroleum storage facility in Gwangju City from September 1, 2016 to March 28, 2017 (hereinafter “Seoul petroleum storage facility”).

B. B From March 29, 2017 to August 17, 2017, the unregistered petroleum storage place located on the wife population M (hereinafter referred to as “weck petroleum storage place”) in Yongsan-si from March 29, 2017.

The N and O home, which remodeled in order to manufacture similar petroleum, loaded the active petroleum into the glass vehicle, removed the identification of light oil using it, made half-finished products by mixing it with similar diesel diesels, and planned to supply similar diesels to each gas station by mixing it with approximately 1.5 :05 : 8.5 : and the J and K shall exercise overall control over the manufacturing volume of similar petroleum in the above storage place; Defendant B and P supplied similar petroleum without material necessary for manufacturing similar petroleum; Defendant A supplied the manufactured similar petroleum to each oil station; the raw material supply volume and sales volume of the manufactured petroleum; the sales volume of the manufactured similar petroleum to each gas station; Defendant C supplied the manufactured similar petroleum to each gas station; and Defendant C supplied similar petroleum products to each other by transporting or manufacturing similar raw materials, such as the manufacture of similar petroleum; and Defendant C supplied them to each other through a public offering to each gas station.

1. No person who intends to manufacture, import, store, transport, store or sell fake petroleum products;

Nevertheless, the Defendant, along with J et al., shall be allowed from March 29, 2017 to August 17, 2017, according to the foregoing conspiracy.
