본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2015.04.08 2014가단18671

1. The Defendant’s KRW 27,020,297 as well as 5% per annum from July 30, 2013 to April 8, 2015 to the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On July 29, 2013, at around 15:36, when driving a C taxi that entered into a motor vehicle mutual aid agreement with the Defendant (hereinafter “Defendant vehicle”), B, while driving along two-lanes in the direction of cultural development intersection in the direction of a two-lane in the direction of cultural development along the culture of the Jung-gu Daejeon, the part of the Plaintiff’s left body walking along the right side along the pedestrian signal at the crosswalk was shocked with the front part of the Defendant vehicle.

(hereinafter “instant accident”). (b)

이 사건 사고에서, 피고차량의 앞 범퍼 부분에 원고의 좌측 다리와 좌측 허리 부분이 충격되고, 이어서 원고의 몸이 피고차량 본네트쪽으로 꺾여지면서 피고차량의 본네트에 원고의 좌측 머리, 좌측 어깨부위, 상반신이 충격된 후, 피고차량 앞으로 원고가 튕겨져 공중에 떠 날라가다가 떨어져서 땅바닥에 원고의 우측 전신이 충돌되었다.

C. The Plaintiff suffered not only injury such as the brain ties on the left-hand side, the first-hand side fluoral fluoral fluoral py fever on the side side of the left-hand slot, the second side fluoral fluoral fluoral fluoral fluoral fluoral fluorals, the left-hand side fluoral fluoral fluoral fluoralsium, the left-hand side fluoral fluoral flusium, the left-hand side fluoral flusium, the upper-hand side fluoral flusium, and the third-5 fluor fluor flusium (the Defendant refused to approve the payment guarantee for these injuries).

The plaintiff received treatment as follows, and the plaintiff paid medical expenses for the injury that the defendant did not guarantee the payment of medical expenses.

(1) From July 29, 2013 to September 16, 2013, Daejeon Franchi Hospital, Hospitalization, - On the left-hand slot, anti-monthly and diversative dysiversative dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dysive dys
