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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2019.03.07 2018고단5157


A Imprisonment with prison labor for five years, and for one year, for Defendant B.


A 630,000.00


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] Defendant A was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for the crime of taking property in breach of trust at the Daegu District Court on August 16, 2018, but the above Defendant appealed and is still pending in the appellate trial.

【Criminal Facts】

"2018 Highest 5157"

1. Around August 2015, the Defendant committed the fraud of Defendant A, at the office E office located in Busan Metropolitan City captain-gun, the Defendant made a false statement to Defendant A that “I University would have a 100% share of 100% of the interest per month and KRW 10 million of the interest per month if I University would have invested KRW 200 million as I University would have to immediately open G.”

However, in fact, the above defendant only thought that he would receive money from the above victim and did not have a plan to open G to I University, and even if he received investment from the above victim, he did not have the intent or ability to pay interest equivalent to KRW 10 million per month and transfer the shares of G.

Nevertheless, the above Defendant, as seen above, received 200 million won from the above victim to the Defendant’s account under the name of the Defendant (Korean Bank J) for its investment loan around that time, and received a total of 720 million won through the same method from around that time to August 30, 2016, as shown in the attached List, in the same manner as in the attached Table.

Accordingly, the above defendant got the property acquired by deceiving the above victim.

"2018 Highest 5169"

2. Defendant A’s crime of forging a private document and uttering of a private document is the friendship of K, K is the fluenite of L, and L is the representative director of M&A (hereinafter “M”). A.

The defendant, who forged private documents, borrowed from N on August 4, 2015, KRW 30 million on the same month, KRW 20 million on the same month, KRW 21.70 million on the same month, and KRW 28.7 million on the same month, respectively, and thereafter, intends to exercise it on the mutual infinite coffee shop located in the Nam-gu Busan Metropolitan Government on October 2015.
