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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.08.26 2015고합386


A and H Imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months and fines for 40,000,000 won, Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months and fine for 30,000.


Punishment of the crime


A takes charge of operating and operating as the captain of a low-speed fishing vessel towing M (47 tons, neck lines, and Selective short-speed vessels). Defendant B took charge of assisting the captain of the above M M, assisting the captain of the vessel, leading the operation of fishing gear and fishing network at the time of operation; Defendant C takes charge of managing various institutions within the vessel, such as engine engines and engines, etc. at the time of operation; Defendant D, Defendant E, Defendant F, and Defendant G took charge of operating and assisting the operation of the fishing network at the time of operation; Defendant D, Defendant E, Defendant F, Defendant F, the captain of the above M; and Defendant H took charge of managing the fish net at the time of operation; Defendant H takes charge of managing the fish net at the time of operation; Defendant H takes charge of managing the fish net at the time of operation; Defendant H takes charge of managing the fish net at the time of operation; Defendant I takes charge of operating and operating the vessel at the time of operation; and Defendant I takes charge of operating and operating the vessel at the time of operation.

1. Violation of the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act;

(a) A foreign vessel of the Defendants may navigate freely from the territorial sea of the Republic of Korea to the extent that it does not disturb peace, public order, or security of the Republic of Korea; if the Defendants engage in fishing while passing through a foreign vessel, it shall be deemed to impair peace, public order, or security of the Republic of Korea; and crew or other passengers on board of a foreign vessel shall not violate this provision.

Nevertheless, on May 25, 2015, the Defendants: (a) conspired to leave the port to load up two lines of their respective networks and gear in N and M on May 25, 2015 (the Defendant D was on board at around 00:00 on June 8, 2015) and set up a specific prohibition area around the 27th day of the same month.
