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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 거창지원 2014.09.03 2014고단72


A shall be punished by imprisonment for four years, and imprisonment for two years and six months, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On June 1, 201, Defendant A was sentenced to two years of imprisonment for a violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective weapon, etc.) in the Changwon District Court's branch branch on March 29, 201, and the execution of the sentence terminated on March 29, 2013.

【Criminal Facts】

1. The Defendants’ co-principal

A. On July 14, 2013, at around 12:30 on July 14, 2013, the Defendants made a false statement to the victim E (the age of 34) who is a second-class student of the Defendants’ high school at the non-gira apartment parking lot located in the Dong-dong, Chang-gu, Chang-gu, Chang-gu, Seoul, Seoul.

However, in fact, the Defendants did not have the ability to repay the loan due to the absence of the occupation at the time, and did not have any clear plan to repay the loan, and there was no intention or ability to exclude the victim from the position of the guarantor after 45 days.

From July 15, 2013, the Defendants conspired to induce the victim, and caused the victim to borrow a total of nine million won from three lending companies, such as future crails, etc., and acquired financial benefits equivalent to the same amount.

B. Defendants in violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint conflict) conspired not only to attract resistant and mental mind, but also to attract victims E with good credit rating in the workplace, and to receive loans in the name of the victim.

On July 16, 2013, around 19:30 on July 16, 2013, the Defendants changed the joint and several sureties to the victim as if the victim requested the same request as that of the Defendant A’s loan, before which the victim had offered a joint and several sureties. The victim is the victim.
