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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.11.21 2015가단227030

1. E, F, G, H, Defendant I, J, K, L, M,O, P, Q, R, and China-gu T, Incheon Jung-gu, the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Defendant U and L shared the ownership transfer registration on May 17, 1972 with respect to each of 1/2 shares of 84,298§³ in Jung-gu Incheon, Jung-gu, Incheon (hereinafter “the forest before the instant partition”).

In the event that Defendant L, within the scope of the area corresponding to his co-ownership, sells a part of his co-ownership specifying the location and area, the Plaintiff and the Defendant L agreed to complete the registration of ownership transfer for the specific part directly to the buyer.

B. On September 12, 1988, the Plaintiff purchased part of the forest land before the instant partition from Defendant L by specifying its location and size, and the land so purchased is the part (i) of the instant forest land.

C. On September 12, 1988, when the Plaintiff purchased part of the forest land of this case, W, DefendantO, Defendant K, Defendant S, and Defendant M, other than the Plaintiff on September 12, 1988, specified the location and area of the forest land before the instant partition from Defendant L, and completed the registration of ownership transfer corresponding to the area purchased for convenience.

On April 18, 1995, the above buyers, including the Plaintiff, and the Defendant L, jointly owned the forest before the instant subdivision, but agreed to separately own the forest in installments, and prepared a “written agreement to confirm the location and area of the land to be owned by each party among the forest before the instant subdivision.”

(hereinafter referred to as “instant agreement”). (e)

In the case of sectional owners who participated at the time of the instant agreement, the indication and size of “the location map” as stipulated in the instant agreement, the number and size of the partitioned lot, whether the title trust is terminated, and whether Defendant N’s registration of transfer of ownership of each divided land exists, etc. are as listed in the annexed Table.

F. On February 15, 201, the forest land of this case was registered by subdivision on February 15, 201, and each of the shares of the deceased U and the Defendant L was changed as indicated in the separate sheet of shares.
