1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
가. 이 사건 출원상표 1) 출원일/ 출원번호 : 2013. 2. 21./ 제40-2013-11120호 2) 구성 : 3) 지정상품 : 상품류 구분 제10류의 안과용 수술기계기구(백내장 수술 및 유리체절제술에 사용됨 - ophthalmic surgical machines for use during cataract surgery and vitrectomy), 안과용 수술기계기구의 부품, 외과용 봉합사(surgical sutures), 외과용 칼(knives), 외과용 블레이드(칼날 - blades), 외과용 바늘(needles), 의료용 흡인관주용 팁(aspiration and irrigation tubing), 의료용 플루이딕 팩(fluidic packs), 의료용 핸드피스(handpieces), 의료용 안구패드(medical eye pads), 의료용 안구보호대(shields), 의료용 안구쟁반(trays), 의료용 콜렉션쟈(collection jars), 의료용 배농가방(drainage bags), 의료용 장갑(gloves and mitts for medical use), 안과용 수술기계기구용 소프트웨어(parts and software therefor) 4) 출원인 : 원고
(b) 1) Date of application / Date of registration/registration number of an earlier application: / 16.1.8/ July 16, 2014 / 1048520 2): Designated goods consisting of class 10 lines of goods: In the case of designated goods (Endoscopic equic equation, name, a fullline of lapatus inuse in endoscopic lauses
C. 1) On September 17, 2013, the Korean Intellectual Property Office examiner notified the Plaintiff of the submission of the opinion that “The trademark of this case is identical or similar to another person’s earlier application trademark, mark, and designated goods, and thus cannot be registered as a trademark under Article 8(1) of the Trademark Act. 2) The Plaintiff’s “a machinery and apparatus operation for internal use, which are designated goods of the applied trademark of this case, is used only for internal use as goods belonging to the equipment and appliances for surgery.”
The internal alarm devices are different from the goods belonging to the inspection and measurement organization, which are used by high-level experts.
The use, shape, consumer floor, manufacturer, selling place, etc. of each designated product.