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텍스트 조절
(영문) 특허법원 2018.10.26 2018허2786

1. The decision made by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on February 13, 2018 on a case No. 2016 won or 4956 shall be revoked.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be.


1. Basic facts

A. Trademark 1) International registration number / International registration date / Priority Date: Type 1247363/363/ March 31, 2015 / former gender : 3) Designated goods: Type 10 medical content and content movement system for medical use in Category 10 classification of goods: Type 10

나. 선등록상표 1) 선등록상표 1 가) 출원일/ 등록일/ 등록번호: 2011. 5. 16./ 2012. 3. 23./ 제912010호 나) 구성: 다) 지정상품: 상품류 구분 제10류의 자기공명 단층촬영장치(의료용 진단영상장치 - Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical purpose namely magnetic resonance imaging systems) 라) 등록권리자: 도시바 메디칼 시스템즈 코포레이션 2) 선등록상표 2 가) 출원일/ 등록일/ 등록번호: 2011. 5. 16./ 2012. 3. 23./ 제912008호 나) 구성: 다) 지정상품: 상품류 구분 제10류의 자기공명 단층촬영장치(의료용 진단영상장치 - Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical purpose namely magnetic resonance imaging systems) 라) 등록권리자: 도시바 메디칼 시스템즈 코포레이션 3) 선등록상표 3 가) 출원일/ 등록일/ 등록번호: 2011. 5. 16./ 2012. 3. 23./ 제911999호 나) 구성: 다) 지정상품: 상품류 구분 제10류의 자기공명 단층촬영장치(의료용 진단영상장치 - Diagnostic imaging apparatus for medical purpose namely magnetic resonance imaging systems) 라 등록권리자: 도시바 메디칼 시스템즈 코포레이션

C. 1) On November 9, 2015, the examiner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office regarding the application for the registration of the applied trademark of this case: (a) similar to the “ATS” which is the essential part of the trademark applied for registration to the Plaintiffs on November 9, 2015, the mark of the applied trademark and the pre-registered trademark is similar to both designated goods; and (b) thus, the former Trademark Act (amended by Act No. 14033, Feb. 29, 2016; hereinafter the same applies) is similar to the two designated goods.

The purport that a trademark may not be registered pursuant to Article 7 (1) 7.
