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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.08.08 2018고단444

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for four months.

108,471 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

On November 10, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment with labor for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act at the Seoul Northern District Court on the grounds of a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc., and the said judgment became final and conclusive on March 31, 2017.

Although the Defendant is not a narcotics handler, the Defendant purchased a large quantity of ethyl content by using personal information, such as B, etc. on the ground that stroke-m (hereinafter “stroke-m”), which is a stroke-m (the product name ethyl content; hereinafter “stroke-m”), which is a limited quantity of ethyl drug prescribed at the hospital due to strokes, was stroke-m (hereinafter “stroke-m”), and was able to administer it.

1. On October 22, 2016, the Defendant violated the Resident Registration Act: (a) entered the name and resident registration number B in the written application for medical treatment at a member D located in the Council; (b) was given medical treatment as if the Defendant was B; and (c) continued to purchase ethyl oxide 21 at the E pharmacy located in the vicinity of the above Council member with a prescription issued by the said member B; and (d) used the other person’s resident registration number on 128 occasions in total from January 4, 2013 to November 6, 2016 as shown in the attached list of crimes (1).

2. The Defendant in violation of the National Health Insurance Act, at the same time and at the same place as in paragraph (1) 1, purchased ethyl oxide with a medical prescription issued as if the Defendant had completed the work as if he were B, and then received insurance benefits of KRW 8,850 out of the medical expenses and KRW 11,000 out of the pharmaceutical expenses were paid as B’s insurance benefits, and received insurance benefits of KRW 1,201,495 from July 19, 2013 to November 6, 2016, by unlawful means, as in Table 121, such as Table 1 (2).

3. On February 23, 2015, the Defendant violated the Narcotics Control Act (fence) was melting together with water at around 7 dong 106 around February 23, 2015 at the residence located in Dobong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government F apartment 7 dong 106, and was melting together with water at around 5-6 ethyl oxides purchased as above and from around that time until around October 2016.
