본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 군산지원 2017.04.24 2016고합151

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seventeen years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 300 hours.


Criminal facts

And Facts of the cause for the request for attachment order / [criminal facts / [2016 / 151]

1. On September 23, 2005, the Defendant and the person who requested an attachment order (hereinafter “Defendant”) issued a studio OO on September 23, 2005, a studio door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door door built by the victim E (hereinafter “victim”), and infringed on the said victim’s house, and then stolen the victim’s property with 6,000 won in cash located in the room.

2. On March 21, 2009, the Defendant stated that “the indictment was written in a studio OO of the victim G (n, 20 years old) residing in the Y of the Y of the Y of the Republic of Korea around 08:30 on March 21, 2009, the Defendant violated the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims Thereof (a special robbery, rape, etc.).” However, the victim consistently stated that “the alteration of the Defendant’s residence might substantially disadvantage the Defendant’s exercise of his/her right to defense” at the time of the crime from the police investigation to this court. However, the victim stated that “the victim has opened the studle and opened the studle, and the Defendant cannot be informed of how he/she had opened the studle.”

As such, the above facts charged are modified without the amendment process of indictment.

현관문을 열고 집 안으로 들어가 잠을 자고 있는 피해자의 목과 가슴, 음부에 흉기인 날카롭고 뾰족 한 금속성의 물건을 들이대고, ‘ 눈 감고, 내 말 잘 들으면 너 괜찮아, 요즘 살인사건 난 거 알지, 너도 그렇게 될 수 있어, 내 말 안 들으면 염산을 얼굴에 붓거나 칼로 찔러 죽이겠어.

Does any money?

The Defendant’s sexual organ shall be taken from the victim’s body by threatening the victim to resist, and then shall be taken from the victim’s body to the victim’s 23,000 won in cash, which is contained in the above wall A, and the victim’s sexual organ shall be taken from the victim’s body.
