본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.10.18 2016가단5103289

1. The Defendant shall accept on June 27, 201, the registration of the Chuncheon District Court with respect to the land specified in paragraph (1) of the attached list to the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. According to the Land Survey Book drawn up at the Japanese occupation period, Chuncheon-gun B No. 216, 1915 (Seoul 4 years)

5. 20. ‘경기 고양군 C리(京畿 高陽郡 C里)’에 주소를 둔 D가, 원주군 E 답 79평은 1915.(대정 4년)

5.5.Preferred 1,095, 1915, 1915,00

5. 10. Each of the 10. G with the address in the Gyeonggi-gun Cri in the Games stated that the G was under the circumstances.

B. The land listed in paragraph 1 of the attached list was divided into the above B land, and the land listed in Paragraph 2 of the attached list was divided into the above E land, and the land listed in Paragraph 3 of the attached list was divided into the above F land.

(hereinafter referred to as “each land of this case” in the separate sheet Nos. 1 through 3, and when only the individual land is referred to as “each land of this case, etc.” (hereinafter referred to as “instant one land, etc.”)

As to the instant land 1, the Defendant filed for the registration of the Chuncheon District Court and No. 30967, Jun. 27, 2012, each of the instant land 2, 3, with respect to the registration of the original state branch of the Chuncheon District Court and the registration of each ownership preservation on October 22, 1990, respectively.

On February 19, 1929, H, the Plaintiff’s evidence assistance division, died and succeeded to the family head’s property of H. G on January 20, 1959. G died on January 20, 1959. He, his head, South Korea, determined the adjudication of disappearance on April 22, 1969 due to the expiration of the period of disappearance on July 27, 1958, and the Plaintiff, his head, South Korea, succeeded to the family head’s inheritance. At the time of the expiration of the period of disappearance, I had five children, including J, K, L, M, etc., in addition to the Plaintiff, South Korea.

E. The Plaintiff’s permanent domicile, the additional father, is the Gyeonggi-do Goyang-gun N, and G, the Plaintiff’s father, also has the permanent domicile in the Gyeonggi-do Goyang-gun N.

[Based on recognition] Evidence No. 1-3, Evidence No. 4, Evidence No. 3-1, evidence No. 5,6, Evidence No. 4-1, 5, and 6-1, 5, and 6, the fact-finding inquiry and reply to Chuncheon and original markets, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Determination as to the cause of action

(a) a person registered in the Land Survey Book of the relevant legal principles as the owner shall be adjudicated;
