본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2021.01.15 2020노2773

The judgment of the court below is reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


The summary of the grounds for appeal (two years and six months of imprisonment) of the lower court is too unreasonable.


Although the defendant had been punished several times for the same crime, he committed the crime of obstructing the performance of official duties of this case and damaging public goods during the same repeated crime period, and the defendant was arrested and detained as the current offender on February 12, 2020 without being aware of the fact that he committed the crime of interfering with business affairs on February 10, 2020 and repeatedly arrested and released as the current offender on February 12, 2020, such as committing the crime of interference with business affairs and arresting him as the current offender, and continuously committed each of the crimes of this case. The access media leased by the defendant was actually used for the crime of fraud, and up to the trial, the damage of the victims of the crime of fraud and damage to property was not recovered, and it did not reach an agreement with the victims other than the victim AF.

However, at the time of the investigation, the Defendant recognized each of the crimes of this case, such as recognizing each of the crimes of this case and violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, and against whom all of the crimes of this case were committed, it appears that the two dynamic disorder suffered by the Defendant appears to have caused each of the crimes of this case, and at the investigation stage, the damage to the victim of this case was restored by the mutual aid agreement of the vehicle operated by the Defendant at the time of investigation, and the damage to the victim of this case was returned to the victim, and the damage of the larceny of this case of 2020 order group 1300 order group 200 group 1300 group 1372 group 20 group 1372 group 20 group 20 group 200 group 1370 group 1372 group 30 group 30 group 3

Considering the circumstances favorable to the defendant and the unfavorable circumstances, comprehensively taking into account the following factors: Defendant’s age, sex, environment, circumstances after the commission of the crime and circumstances after the commission of the crime, the lower court’s punishment has changed in its sentencing conditions.
