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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2015.10.20 2015고단1797


A Imprisonment for two years, each of the defendants B, C, and D shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, Defendant B, C, and D.


Punishment of the crime


A serving as the director of customer support division of the victim I Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “victim”) located in Kimhae-si from November 2009 to March 201, 201, and was retired on December 21, 2010, and thereafter engaged in the business of supplying ship parts with the trade name “K” from March 24, 201 to Kimhae-si, and Defendant B served as the director of the purchase division of the damaged company on June 9, 2009, and retired from the business division through the strategic project division on September 1, 2011 to the business division on June 25, 201 to the business division on March 201, 200, Defendant C worked as the director of the design division of the victimized company from February 1, 201 to the business division on February 1, 201, and Defendant B worked as the producer from around October 31, 2011 to March 21, 2018.

A withdrawn person is a withdrawn person.

The injured company has a security officer in accordance with technical and managerial data, such as design drawings, parts list, estimates, etc. of the victimized company, and has a security officer in accordance with the security regulations, and all documents and drawings prepared by the victimized company shall not be stored in the central storage unit of the victimized company and stored in the PC, and shall be managed in a form of restricting access to each department, class, and shall be managed in a form of restricting access by each class, and a confidentiality pledge is imposed on the retired employees, partner companies, and traders, including employees in office, to refrain from divulging the trade secret data of the victimized company, and emphasizes the importance of security. The security card holders and fingerprints are installed and operated to establish a physical security system by installing and operating access control devices, including fingerprints, card locking devices, so that only the employees registered with the security card holders and fingerprints can enter the company.
