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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원강릉지원 2020.09.25 2020고단569

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On July 24, 2008, the Defendant was issued a summary order of KRW 700,000,000 as a fine for a violation of the Road Traffic Act, from the Daegu District Court racing support on March 14, 2016 to the same crime, and on April 15, 2016 to a fine of KRW 5,00,000 as a fine in the same court.

1. Around 00:45 on June 11, 2020, the Defendant violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (the injury caused by dangerous driving) (the Defendant) driven a Bfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffs at the direction of the Yffffffff

Nevertheless, under the influence of alcohol, the Defendant received from the victim F (Nam, 50 years of age) who was bound by the red signal in accordance with the red signal at the front part of the passenger vehicle of the victim F (F) who was under the influence of alcohol and did not properly see the left and right of the front, and caused the victim F to suffer from the victim F of the victim H (Nam, 29 years of age) who was under the influence of the signal at the front part of the passenger vehicle of the victim H (F) who was under the influence of the signal in the front, with the string part of the said string part of the passenger vehicle of the victim H (V, South, 29 years of age) who was under the influence of the influence of alcohol, with approximately two weeks of injury, such as catum catum, tension and tension in need of approximately two-day treatment, and the victim H suffered from the injury, such as the victim’s catum catium and tension and tension for about two-day treatment.

2. On June 11, 2020, the Defendant violated the Road Traffic Act (driving) is located in Gangwon-si, from the vicinity of the Gangnam-si apartment around 00:45 to Gangnam-si.
