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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.10.18 2019고단1921

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On February 8, 2018, the Defendant was sentenced to two years of suspension of the execution of imprisonment with prison labor for larceny at the Seoul Central District Court, and on July 13, 2018, the Seoul Central District Court sentenced five months of imprisonment with prison labor for larceny at the Seoul Central District Court, and on August 22, 2018, completed the execution of each of the above punishment at the Seoul East East District District Court on December 19, 2018.

The two crimes are the concurrent crimes of the latter part of Article 37 of the Criminal Code, each of which was sentenced to the suspended sentence of imprisonment on February 8, 2018.

【Criminal Facts】

"2019 Highest 1921"

1. Violation of the Aggravated Punishment Act;

A. On March 26, 2019, the Defendant: (a) around 09:23, around the 09:23th of March 2019, the Defendant did not commit attempted crimes because there was no locking of the victim’s name, by inserting her hand into the bank where the female under the victim’s name was shouldered.

B. On March 26, 2019, the Defendant: (a) around 09:30 on March 26, 2019, at the high speed terminal station of Seoul subway No. 9, the Defendant attempted to steal the victim’s name by inserting his/her hand into the bank, which was leashed by the shoulder; and (b) did not commit attempted crimes, even if there was no locking.

C. On March 26, 2019, at around 09:57, the Defendant attempted to steal goods by inserting his hand into the abrupted railroad station from the domination station of the Seoul subway No. 9, the Defendant attempted to commit an attempted crime, not with the intent of being arrested as a flagrant offender from a police officer in the vicinity of the Defendant, but with the wind that he was arrested as a flagrant offender by inserting his hand into the abrupted railroad station within the train train of the Seoul subway No. 9.

"2019 Highest 1964"

1. On February 2, 2019, the Defendant, at a high-speed terminal station located in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seocho-gu, Seoul, obtained a credit card (E) owned by the victim C from the victim and returned it to the victim at around 17:30, without following necessary procedures.
