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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2018.11.07 2018고정828


A A shall be punished by a fine of 2 million won, by a fine of 1.5 million won, and by a fine of 700,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

1. 피고인 A, C, B의 공동 범행 피고인 A은 2018. 2. 11. 04:30 경 서울 용산구 D에 있는, E 주점 입구에서, 피해자 F( 여, 23세), G( 여, 23세) 와 기분 나쁘게 쳐다보았다는 문제로 시비하여 기분이 좋지 않던 중 마침 입구에 서 있는 피해자 F의 어깨를 치고, 피해자 F이 이에 항의하자 피해자 F에게 침을 뱉고, 이에 피해자 F이 피고인 A의 뺨을 때리자 피해자 F의 뺨을 3회 때리고, 발로 수회 차고, 계속하여 피해자 F이 맞는 것을 본 피해자 G가 피고인 A의 뒤통수를 때리자 피고인 A은 피해자 G의 머리채를 잡고 피해자의 얼굴을 주먹으로 수회 때리고, 피고인 A의 일행인 H는 이에 합세하여 피해자 F의 머리채를 잡아 당기고, 피고인 C은 피해자 G의 머리채를 잡아당기고, 피고인 B은 피해자 F의 몸을 발로 수회 찼다.

As a result, the Defendants jointly inflicted injury on the victim F when they need to receive treatment for up to two days, and suffered injury on the victim G, such as an ad hoc flavating flav, which requires approximately three weeks of treatment.

2. Defendants A and B committed joint crimes on February 11, 2018 at the street in front of the “J bank” located in Yongsan-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, G, the victim K (24 years old) who was under contact with the Defendants, and Defendant A, who was able to gather water in the face of the victim two times in drinking, followed the victim’s face two times in drinking, and Defendant B had the victim’s face five to six times in drinking.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly assaulted the Victim K.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. A protocol concerning each of the police suspects against F, K, and G;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes of Part 6, such as a medical certificate of injury and a medical certificate of injury;

1. Relevant Article of the Act and the choice of punishment for the crime;

A. Defendant A and B: Article 2(2)3 of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act and Article 257 of the Criminal Act.
