본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
의료사고과실비율 30:70  
(영문) 대구지방법원 2013.9.27.선고 2011가단64222 판결

201 Ghana64222 Damage (Definition)


1. Prostitution ○○;

2. 00 sex;

3. ○○ residents;

4. 00

5. ○○;

6. 00 chemicalization;


○ School Foundation

Conclusion of Pleadings

August 23, 2013

Imposition of Judgment

September 27, 2013


1. The Defendant shall pay to Plaintiff ○○ for the amount of KRW 11,86,47, Plaintiff 00, KRW 00,00, KRW 00, KRW 00, and KRW 4,576,923, and each of the above amounts, 5% per annum from June 8, 2011 to September 27, 2013, and 20% per annum from the next day to the day of full payment.

2. Each of the plaintiffs' remaining claims is dismissed.

3. One-third of the costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Defendant, and the remainder by the Plaintiffs, respectively.

4. Paragraph 1 can be provisionally executed.

Purport of claim

The Defendant shall pay to Plaintiff 00 12,692,307 each of the above amounts with 5% per annum from June 8, 2011 to the service date of a copy of the instant complaint, and 20% per annum from the next day to the day of full payment.


1. Basic facts

A. The heat of 00 is the deceased who was under medical treatment at the hospital operated by the Defendant (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant Hospital”) (hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”). The plaintiff Man○ is the wife of the deceased, and the rest of the plaintiffs are the children of the deceased.

B. At around 16:00 on June 1, 201, the Deceased was suffering from an accident exceeding 16:00 on the front side of the Park Chang-gun’s site, and passed through the Seoul Hospital Emergency at around 18:31, and the Deceased was in the emergency room of the Defendant Hospital at around 20:10. At the time of internal combustion, the Deceased was in a stable condition as 147/95mHg, beerbling 94mHg, breathing 20, 37.1m20, and mountain 1m200. The Deceased’s health care hospital at the time of internal origin was in a very short state of 18:31,00, 2000, 2000, 37.1m20, 2000,000,0000,0000,000.

라. 피고 병원 의료진은 20:30경 망인의 뇌, 안면부, 흉부 및 복부에 대한 CT검사를 통해 우측전두엽 대뇌고량 지주막하 출혈, 이마, 안검, 좌측 턱 부위 연조직 부종과 피하공기증, 사골, 양측상악골과 비골강 출혈, 다수의 안면골 골절 등이 있음을 확인하였다. 당시 망인의 뇌출혈은 소량이었고, 부종도 경미하였으나 안면부 골절, 혀 열상 등으로 인하여 코와 입에서 다량의 피를 계속 흘리는 상태였다. 이에 피고 병원 의료진은 지혈을 위하여 망인의 비강에 거즈로 패킹을 하고, 비강캐뉼라를 통해 분당 40의 산소를 주입하였다. 한편, 망인에 대하여 20:50경 실시한 동맥혈가스분석결과 혈중이산 화탄소는 40.7%, 혈중산소는 64.0%, 산소포화도는 92.5%이었다.

E. The sexual surgery of the Defendant hospital: (a) performed national anesthesia by mixing 22:43 with 1% chlofinine and 1% chlorate; (b) performed a finite surgery on the left left side of the deceased’s tear, and (c) followed, the Defendant hospital conducted a finite surgery at around 23:25 with 2% chinium, and the Defendant hospital conducted a finite surgery.

F. Meanwhile, the Deceased’s body was seriously behind his body due to the difficulty and pain of pulmon and pain, and the medical personnel of the Defendant hospital took one time at around 23:31, and at around 23:45, one time in order to realize the Deceased.

G. However, around 23:00, at around 200, 160/80 of blood pressure, 130/mHg, pulmonary 25/minutes of the Deceased, which fell from blood pressure 100/60mHg, and 47 pactling, and 23:52 of the Deceased, the heart was suspended. The medical personnel at the Defendant hospital conducted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, such as the Deceased’s cardiopulmonary math, and the Epactine, an Epactinine, a vice principal of the 23:54, and the Deceased’s 10/60mh, and the Deceased’s 10/60m, and the Deceased’s 10/60m, and the Deceased’s 10/60m, 10/60m, and 150m, respectively, were found to have been infected by the Defendant hospital’s 10:3 pacting 40m, respectively.

[Reasons for Recognition] The facts without dispute, Gap 1, 2, 6, 7 evidence, Eul 1 through 7 (including each number), the result of each request for the examination of medical records to the head of the University Hospital and the President of the Korean Medical Association, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Occurrence of liability for damages;

(a) Fruits in taking measures not secured on the map;

1) The parties' assertion

A) The plaintiffs' assertion

Since the Deceased showed a continuous large quantity of pulmonary dystrophism, and there was difficulty in maintaining dystrophism on his own due to deterioration of consciousness, and as such, he was in charge of the dystrophy that may cause more pulmonary dystropha, the Deceased’s medical doctor should have taken measures to secure the registration in which the dystropha was inserted into the Deceased, and there was negligence in failure to properly do so.

B) Defendant’s assertion

Since the blood transfusion occurred in the mouth and in the mouth of the deceased at the time, the first priority was required to take measures for the blood transfusion. Accordingly, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital first implemented the fluoral fluoring of the heat that caused the blood transfusion, and the consciousness of the deceased was continuously able to talk with the deceased, and there was no need to secure an emergency exit until the heart is suspended due to the normal level of oxygen, and it was difficult to secure an exit in order to secure the airway due to large amounts of blood transfusion. The deceased was likely to have re-explosion and cerebrtension caused by the blood pressure increase in the case of inserting a large quantity of blood pressure patient or performing the cluoration of an engine, so the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital did not perform the fluoral cinging of the engine or the cluoral culing of the body to the deceased without any reasonable discretion. Therefore, it cannot be said that the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital exceeded the reasonable discretion of the doctor.

2) Determination

위 인용증거들과 갑 8호증의 1, 2, 을 8, 9호증의 각 기재에 변론 전체의 취지를 종합하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정들, 즉 ① 기관 삽관이 필요한 경우는 의식저하, 기도분비물의 증가, 기도 내 출혈, 이물질, 종괴, 부종 등으로 인해 기도가 유지되지 않아 숨을 쉬기 어려운 경우인데, 망인의 경우처럼 안면부 골절로 인한 비강출혈이 코뒤로 넘어가 구강으로 흐르고, GCS가 7점에 지나지 않을 정도로 의식이 저하되어 기도를 스스로 보호할 수 있는 능력이 감소되어 있는 경우에는 출혈이 구강을 통해 식도로 넘어가면서 기도를 막거나 폐로 흡인이 될 수 있으므로, 기관 삽관과 같은 전문적인 기도유지술을 적극적으로 시행해야 할 필요성이 있는 점, ② 그런데 피고 병원 의료진은 망인의 심정지 발생시까지 비강캐뉼라를 통해 산소를 공급하는 것 이외에 기도 확보를 위한 다른 조치는 하지 않았는데, 망인의 안면부골절 및 비강출혈 때문에 비강 캐뉼라를 통한 지속적인 산소공급에도 불구하고 망인에게 산소가 효율적으로 공급되지 않았을 가능성이 많은 점, ③ 중증의 외상성 뇌손상이 있는 경우 의식저하로 인한 혀나 후두개의 기능 저하로 기도 폐쇄가 발생할 가능성도 높고, 혀 열상 봉합술을 위한 혀 부위 국소마취가 그 위치에 따라 기도유지에 영향을 줄 수도 있는 점, ④ 더군다나 피고 병원 의료진이 혀 열상 부위의 국소마취 이후 망인에게 추가로 주사한 etomidate-lipuro는 의식을 저하시킬 수 있는 진정치료제로서 망인과 같이 중증 외상성 뇌손상이 동반된 고령의 환자에게 투여하게 되면 의식이 더 저하되어 호흡조절기능의 약화로 인해 무호흡상태가 발생할 수 있으므로 이 같은 약을 투여할 경우에는 환자의 의식 상태와 호흡 상태를 평가한 후 기도유지를 위한 조치를 반드시 시행하여야 하는데, 망인에 대하여 내원 직후 GCS가 중증 뇌손상에 해당하는 7점으로 평가되었음에도 불구하고 피고 병원 의료진은 위 진정치료제를 주사하면서 망인에 대한 의식 상태나 호흡 상태에 관한 객관적 평가를 다시 한 바 없는 점, 6 망인은 2차례에 걸쳐 etomidate-lipuro를 투여받았는데, 첫 번째 투여시에는 정상적으로 깨어났으나 두 번째 투여 후 몇 분 지나지 않아 혈압이 감소하면서 심정지가 발생한 점, ⑥ 당시 호흡곤란이나 심정지를 유발할 정도의 심각한 뇌부종 기타 심정지의 원인이 될 만한 다른 증상은 없었던 점, ⑦ 기관 삽관은 기도유지를 위한 튜브를 구강을 통해 성대를 지나 기관에 삽입하는 것이기 때문에 안면부골절, 아래턱뼈 골절 등이 있는 경우 상대적으로 어렵고, 망인은 비강출혈, 혀 열상 등으로 구강 내에 혈액이 고여 있을 가능성이 있고 이는 시술자의 시야를 막아 삽관을 어렵게 할 수도 있기는 하지만, 그렇다고 하여 망인의 상태가 기관을 삽관하는 것이 불가능한 것이 아니었고, 실제로도 망인에게 심정지가 일어난 이후인 6. 2. 00:03경 망인에게 기관을 삽관한 사실, ⑧ 기관 삽관의 합병증으로는 기도 삽관의 실패로 인한 기도유지 확보의 실패, 구역반사자극으로 인한 심한 서맥, 무수축 발생, 구토와 폐흡인 발생, 치아 및 구강손상, 뇌출혈 등으로 인해 뇌압이 상승되어 있는 화자의 경우에는 뇌압 상승, 뇌출혈의 악화 등이 문제될 수 있으나, 이러한 문제점들은 적절한 전 처치 및 뇌압을 증가시키지 않고 평균 동맥압을 감소시키지 않는 약물의 사용을 통해 해결 가능할 뿐만 아니라, 이러한 합병증보다 기도유지가 되지 않았을 때 발생하는 호흡부전으로 인한 저산소성 뇌손상 등의 문제점이 더욱 심각한 점 등을 종합하면, 망인에 대한 혀 열상 봉합술 시행 당시 망인의 의식이 상당히 저하되어 스스로 기도를 유지하기가 어려운 상태여서 기도유지를 위한 적극적 조치가 필요하였음에도 불구하고, 피고 병원 의료진은 비강캐뉼라를 통해 산소를 주입하는 것 이외에 기도확보를 위한 다른 조치를 취하지 아니하였을 뿐만 아니라 망인의 의식수준을 고려하지 않고 호흡부전을 초래할 수 있는 진정치료제를 투여한 과실로, 망인에게 호흡부전 및 그에 따른 심정지를 유발하여 망인을 저산소성 뇌손상으로 사망에 이르게 하였다고 봄이 상당하다.

(b) Negligence by neglecting the observation of progress;

1) The plaintiffs' assertion

The doctors of the Defendant hospital neglected to observe the blood pressure reduction and to take appropriate measures against the pulmonary body, such as failing to recognize that the blood pressure of the deceased was reduced due to their neglect, even though they had to observe the blood pressure seizure of the deceased from time to time and take appropriate measures against the blood pressure above the blood pressure.

2) Determination

23:00 to 160/80mm from blood pressure, 130/mpg, and pulmonary 25/minutes of the deceased, were reduced to 100/00mm from blood pressure, 47/mp, beer and 23:52. As seen above, the fact that a serious stop took place against the deceased was found. According to the evidence Eul evidence No. 10, the fact that there was no signs of the deceased’s active force between 23:00 and 23:50 is acknowledged, but it is difficult to view that the medical team of the defendant hospital conducted an emergency measure on the part of the deceased, as a whole, was negligent in examining whether the deceased’s active force was discharged, and there was no other evidence to acknowledge that the deceased’s active force was discharged on the part of the deceased, and that there was no other evidence to acknowledge that the deceased’s active force was discharged on the part of the deceased.

Therefore, this part of the plaintiffs' assertion is without merit.The negligence of delaying emergency measures, such as agency insertion, etc. immediately after the severe suspension occurs.

1) The plaintiffs' assertion

Even after a severe stop has occurred to the deceased, the death’s low oxygen brain damage has been deepened due to negligence in failing to immediately take emergency measures, such as an engine insertion, etc.

2) Determination

The deceased’s heart suspension occurred in 23:52, and the medical staff of the Defendant Hospital performed the engine insertion on June 2, 11, 2003 from that day to that day, and the fact that the Defendant Hospital performed 22:30 engine renovations as seen above.

그러나, 이 법원의 대한의사협회장에 대한 진료기록감정촉탁결과에 의하면, 심폐소생술에서 가장 중요한 것은 흉부압박을 통해 심박동을 회복시키는 것이기 때문에 통상 심폐소생술 중 호흡보조는 앰뷰배경으로 하고 기관 삽관은 자발혈액순환이 회복된 후에 시행되는 점, 피고 병원 의료진은 망인에 대하여 심정지를 발견하자 바로 심장마사지와 에피네프린 주사 등을 통해 심장박동 회복을 시도하였고, 자발적 심박동이 회복되자 바로 기관 삽관을 시행한 사실 등이 인정되는바, 위 인정사실에 의하면 피고 병원 의료진이 망인의 심 정지 발생 직후 기관 삽관을 하지 않은 것에 어떠한 잘못이 있다고 보기 어렵다.

Therefore, this part of the plaintiffs' assertion is without merit.

D. Determination on the Defendant’s assertion regarding the cause of death of the Deceased

1) The defendant's assertion

The defendant asserted that there was no causal relationship between the negligence and the low carbon brain damage of the deceased, even if the medical team at the defendant hospital was negligent in not taking measures to secure the ability of the deceased, since the cause of the death was brain cerebral and cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral cerebral Spon.

Recognition by comprehensively taking account of the overall purport of each request for the appraisal of medical records to the head of this hospital, the head of the university of 00, the head of the Korean Medical Association, and the head of the Korean Medical Association, respectively, in the records of Gap evidence 2, Eul evidence 1 through 5;

In other words, the following circumstances are as follows: (a) brain explosion of the deceased at the time is large; (b) the father was minor and the father was not likely to cause respiratory or heart suspension; (c) the pulmonary part presumed to have been caused by the death of the deceased due to the cerebral injury of the deceased; (d) however, there is a possibility that the pulmonary part presumed to have been caused by the death of the deceased; (e) as seen above, it was a situation that may have been caused by the administration of a substance-accompuro, the administration of a substance-oning and the removal of an instrument due to the pulmonary erosion; and (e) the medical staff of the Defendant hospital divided into two occasions; and (e) the medical staff of the Defendant hospital divided into two parts, taking full account of the fact that the eromatic part of the deceased was reduced immediately after the second injection, and there is a proximate causal relation between the negligence and the pulmonary part of the deceased

Therefore, the defendant's above assertion is without merit.

E. Limitation of liability

However, the following circumstances acknowledged by the aforementioned evidence, i.e., the deceased had been suffering from brain damage, and the deceased seems to have significantly contributed to cardiopulmonary brain damage caused by respiratory damage and due to the death of the deceased. At the time, it was extremely difficult to secure the organ due to an oral and non-complosion due to a large amount of diverosis of the deceased, and the fact that the defendant hospital seems to have taken best emergency measures as the medical team of the defendant hospital after the heart discontinuance, etc. of the medical accident of this case, together with the circumstance of the medical accident of this case, it is consistent with the concept of the damage compensation system that the defendant should compensate for the damage in accordance with the fair and reasonable division of the damage. Accordingly, the defendant's liability ratio should be limited to 30% by taking this into account.

3. Scope of damages.

(a) Expenses for medical treatment;

Plaintiff ○○○ KRW 2,570,310

(b) Funeral expenses.

Of the 14,335,700 won recognized as funeral expenses, 5 million won, within the scope claimed by the Plaintiff Ma○○○. limitation of liability.

1) Defendant’s responsibility: 30% (see the above 2. E.)

2) Calculation: 2,271,093 (=7,570,310 x 30%)

(d) Condolence money;

1) Reasons for consideration: The deceased's age and relation with the plaintiffs, the background and result of the medical accident of this case, and all the circumstances shown in the argument of this case

2) Determination amount: KRW 20 million for the Deceased, KRW 5 million for the Plaintiff ○○○○, KRW 00,000 for the Plaintiff ○○, ○○○, ○○○, 00, 00 for each of 1.5 million for the Deceased.

(e) Inheritance relationship;

Plaintiff 3/13 and inheritance of the deceased’s property by the proportion of 2/13 of the remaining Plaintiffs

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry of Gap 4 and 5 evidence (including each number), the purport of the whole pleadings

F. Sub-committee

The Defendant: (a) KRW 11,886,477 in total property damage and consolation money (=property damage 2,271,093 + 4,615,384 in inheritance of consolation money of the Deceased + KRW 20 million + KRW 5,576,923 in 4,576,923 to the rest of the Plaintiffs, respectively, [20 million in inheritance of consolation money of the Deceased + KRW 3076,923 in 20 million + 1,50,000 in 1,50,000) and 11,86,477 in property damage and consolation money (=property damage 2,271,093 in + property damage + KRW 4,615,384 in inheritance of consolation money of the Deceased + KRW 5,000 in 2,000 in 3,000 in 3,000 in 20,000 per annum from the day following the death of the Deceased seeking by the Plaintiffs until June 8, 201.

4. Conclusion

Thus, the plaintiffs' claims are partly accepted within the scope of the above recognition.


Judges Kim Jong-young

Note tin

1) The level of food is determined by taking full account of the degree of gymological grology, language and physical reactions, and by means of clinical frequently used.

There is a Glasgow Comale. This is useful for the assessment of patients suffering from exposure to external injury rather than a stroke-stroke patient, simple, and re-assessment.

The present rate is also high.

A person shall be appointed.
