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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2014.05.15 2013고합258

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to 11 years.

Disclosure of the information about the accused for 10 years;

, however, the sexual crime;


Criminal facts

and the facts constituting the cause of the attachment order [criminal facts]

1. Violation of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims thereof;

A. On August 21, 2004, the defendant and the person subject to a request to attach an attachment order (hereinafter referred to as the "defendants") tried to rape the victim after suppressing the victim's resistance to the victim, such as "the victim's face will be hyp, dead, dead" and "the victim's face will be hyped only once" and "the victim will be hyp, dead, dead, dead, dead" and the victim tried to commit rape, but the victim did not have any other sex relation at the other place, and the victim did not have any escape to the above part of the apartment, because the victim and the victim did not have the right to escape from the place of the apartment.

B. At around 03:30 on September 10, 2004, the Defendant: (a) intruded from the second floor of the general house in Soyang-gu, Goyang-gu F to the inside of the bank; (b) threatened the victim’s house located in the bend room to the head of the victim G (n, 27 years old); and (c) threatened the victim with the victim “satisfing down,” and “the victim satisfing down,” the victim’s eaves and left finger at the top of the victim’s house, “the victim satisfing................” (the victim satisf.....) catd the victim’s horse and left finger, she laid his house at the victim’s drafting; (d) she was frighted by the victim’s chest and panty; and (e) she tried to sat down the victim’s chest by inserting his finger, but did not have been raped by inserting his finger.
