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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2017.11.24 2017고단1210

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Criminal facts

On March 29, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of ten months for the crime of bodily injury at the Changwon District Court on October, 2017, and the judgment became final and conclusive on September 8, 2017.

The defendant committed the following crimes in a state that the defendant lacks the ability to discern things or make decisions due to stimulative disorder, etc.:

[2017 Highest 1210] On February 15, 2017, at the entrance of the westdo 192 Liberdo, Kim Jong-si, 35, the Defendant: (a) expressed the victim’s D motor vehicle in the operation of the victim C, for the reason that the victim’s D motor vehicle is blocking a path, and (b) expressed the victim’s desire to “Chewing sprink, sprink, cut off, cut off”; (c) the victim gets off from the vehicle; (d) the victim’s face from the vehicle; (d) the victim was sprinked one time by drinking; (e) the victim was sponsed with the breast part of the bus; and (e) the victim was hicking with the part of the bus and the breast part of the body; and (e) the victim was harming the victim, such as an internal tag, etc. requiring treatment between about 14 days.

[2017 Highest 2631]

1. Refusal to measure drinking;

A. On May 9, 2017, the Defendant refused to measure drinking on the road of “F” located in Kimhae-si, on May 9, 2017, while driving G BBV 125 cc a car in the front of “F” on the road located in Kimhae-si, Kimhae-si, and was arrested in a flagrant act due to a suspicion of obstructing police officers from performing their official duties on the part of the police officers dispatched upon receipt of a report, and was transferred to the JJ district of the Kimhae-si, the Defendant was arrested in a flagrant act and was transferred to the JJ district of the Police Station in Kimhae-si.

Defendant 1 driven at the above place under the influence of alcohol, such as smelling and snicking on the face from KNK in the JJ of the Kim Sea Police Station at the above place to the Defendant.

On May 9, 2017, from around 00:47 to around 01:04, it was demanded to respond to the measurement of alcohol by inserting approximately 17 minutes in total four times from around 00:47 to about 01:04.

However, the Defendant avoided this and did not comply with a police officer’s demand for alcohol testing without any justifiable reason.

B. On June 27, 2017, the Defendant who refused to take a measurement of drinking alcohol around 00:12 on June 27, 2017.
