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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.11.02 2016고단3205

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date of the final judgment.


Criminal history (2016 Highest 3313)

1. The Defendant for special intimidation is a person who was living together with his mother in a multi-family house with the victim D in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu.

On September 24, 2016, at around 00:45, the Defendant was unable to avoid disturbance due to the following: (a) the Defendant’s mother was at home and the victim was subject to police investigation by reporting to the police; (b) the Defendant’s home gate in the victim’s house was fluorcing the victim’s house into a bit of bitbit of bitbit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit of bit

At around 01:05 of the same day, the Defendant was able to hear the statement that he would be able to stop with the victim, and thought that she was in good faith. At around 01:05, the Defendant got off the LPG gas pipe, which is a dangerous object connected to the gas pipe, from the gas pipe, to mari from the gas pipe, and took off the LPG gas pipe, which is a dangerous object connected to the gas pipe, in one hand, and doing an act that seems to open and close the above gas valve in one hand, and embling it by using a one hand, and as such, threatened the victim and her family members, as they would inflict physical harm on the victim and her family members.

2. From September 24, 2016 to around 01:20, at the same place as Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (1) of this Article, the Defendant of special obstruction of performance of official duties: (a) committed an act as follows: (b) around September 24, 2016; (c) the Defendant saw that F, G, and H were likely to enter the said house, and that H would have opened and closed the valve, which is a dangerous object, and (d) committed an act as he would have opened and closed the valve of the said gas box; and (c) as if F, G, and H entered the said house, he would explosion and inflict harm on the body of the F, etc.; and (d) the said G, H, H, and H by threatening the said F, G, H, and H by exposing gas, if entering the said house, and by threatening the said house, thereby threatening the said F, H, and H.
