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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2014.10.23 2014고단972

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

"2014 Highest 972"

1. On February 5, 2014, at around 17:15, the Defendant obstructed the Defendant’s operation of the Victim E (C) by force over about 15 minutes, including, but not limited to, a large amount of 15 minutes, i.e., “Nando reported to the police,” and “Nando reported to the police, in order to report to the police,” the Defendant interfered with the Defendant’s operation of the Victim E (C) by force.

2. Interference with the business of the F cafeteria;

A. On February 16, 2014, around 18:10 on February 16, 2014, the Defendant interfered with the business operation of the victim H operation in Dobong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Defendant interfered with the operation of the victim restaurant by force over about 15 minutes, such as taking the victim’s disease in the cooling house in the air conditioners, taking the victim’s body in the air conditioners, taking the victim’s body in a large amount of sound to the customers in the restaurant, and taking the victim’s body in a large amount of sound, and avoiding the disturbance.

B. On February 24, 2014, around 16:50 on February 24, 2014, the Defendant interfered with the business operation of the victim’s restaurant by force over 15 minutes, such as: (a) the Defendant: (b) at the F cafeteria on February 24, 2014; (c) the Defendant dumped with large sounds; and (d) the waste discharged in the prime machine into the table and the floor; and (c) throw away the waste

around 18:00 on August 25, 2014, the Defendant: (a) destroyed the part on the right side of the Austria, i.e., 'J', set up on the left side of the port area of Dobong-gu Seoul, Seoul, Maro 11-gil 77 (Chodong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong

around 14:40 on September 3, 2014, the Defendant: (a) brought a dispute with the victim K (Nam, 59 years of age) who is a volunteer fee to use water first, while cleaning the floor at the right side of the exit area of Dobong-gu Seoul, Maro 11-ro, Seoul; and (b) brought a serious injury on the number of treatment days, such as tearing the upper part of the body of the victim's left side of the wall.

(i) the evidence;
