본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2014.11.20 2013가합2757

1. The Defendant’s KRW 169,497,202 as well as the Plaintiff’s KRW 6% per annum from January 28, 2012 to November 20, 2014.


. On June 6, 200, upon receiving a subcontract from B, the following implementation agreements (hereinafter “instant agreement”) were drafted, and the instant construction was implemented from around that time to January 26, 2012.

이 행 약 정 서 ◆ 공사명 : D신축공사(건축, 토목) ◆ 발주처 : 경상남도 농업기술원 ◆ 계약년월일 : 2010년 11월 23일 (중략) ◆ 연대보증인 : A주식회사(원고이다, 이하 같다) 대표이사 F 상기 공사에 대하여 주식회사 E 관리인 C(이하 “E”이라 칭함, 피고이다)과 A주식회사 대표이사 G(이하 “A”라 칭함)는 ‘D신축공사(건축, 토목)’의 원활한 추진 및 시행을 위하여 상호 성실과 신의를 바탕으로 다음과 같이 합의하고 약정서를 체결한다.

= 1 = Article 1 (Standards for Calculating Profits and Refund)

1. The amount of adjustment shall be calculated at a contract rate of 8.50%.

2. Calculation basis: Total cost of insurance - 5 unit insurance - retirement savings installment - additional tax: 1,740,683,599 won principal , e.g. 1,740,683,599 (* 11.5% = e.g. e. 200,000,000) (t.) (t.) Article 3 (other) (t.

3. When the present proposal is implemented, "A" shall be responsible for all civil and criminal administrative responsibilities, including the Framework Act on the Construction Industry (Administrative Affairs), Wastes Control Act (Environmental Law), Occupational Safety and Health Act (Industrial Accident), etc.


5. All administrative affairs shall be carried out and responsible in “A”.

December 06, 2010 (hereinafter omission)

B. Upon entering into the instant agreement, the Plaintiff and B agreed that the sum of value-added tax, industrial accident insurance premium, employment insurance premium, health insurance premium, pension premium, long-term care insurance premium, mutual-aid installment, mutual-aid premium for retirement, and 200 million won (hereinafter “B profit”) which are to be borne by B from the Gyeongnam Agricultural Technology Institute shall be the Plaintiff’s profit (hereinafter “instant agreement”); and the employees of B, based on the foregoing agreement on January 24, 2013, at KRW 2,16,769,070, value-added tax shall be assessed against the Plaintiff’s profit.
