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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2018.12.12 2018고단1446 (2)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1 "2018 Highest 1446" case

A. On April 15, 2018, around 23:00, the Defendant stolen 11 bicycles worth KRW 3,140,000 in total market price from June 6, 2018, from that time until around 11, 200, in the DP parking lot located adjacent to Kimhae-si, which is located adjacent to the DPa City, in which no corrective device is installed, by discovering one string bicycle at the market price equivalent to KRW 30,00,000, which is the non-victimed victim’s ownership, and by taking advantage of the cres without any person in the surrounding area, from that time, until June 12:00, 2018.

2. "Cases 2018 Highest 2052".

A. A. On May 15, 2018, the Defendant: (a) around 02:14, in F in Busan, Busan, Jin-gu, Busan, the Defendant: (b) had one knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife s

B. Violation of the Act on Specialized Credit Financial Business, and fraud Defendant presented to the employee, as if he were the lawful holder, the bank cream card (J) of G, which was stolen as of May 15, 2018, within the first convenience store located in Busan-gu Busan-gu, Busan-do, Busan-do, and then presented it to the employee as of May 15, 2018, which is equivalent to KRW 1,600, market price from the employee.

The plaintiff used a stolen debit card, which is issued to the plaintiff at the end of 1,500 won of the market price and the plaintiff at the end of 1,500 won of the market price, or to the plaintiff at the end of 45,000 won of the market price.


On May 15, 2018, the Defendant attempted to charge the amount by inserting the CPC card (J) of the above G G, located in K located in Busan, Busan, on May 15, 2018, into the PC’s pre-paid machine installed at the above branch, and inputting 20,000 won of the charged amount without authority. However, the Defendant attempted to charge the amount by reporting the theft card of the victim.
