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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2019.05.09 2019고단384

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a short term of eight months and ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[Public Offering Facts] The Telecommunications Financial Fraud (hereinafter “Scam”) organization is responsible for the division of the call center in China to transfer money to a designated account under the pretext of lending arrangement, etc. to many and unspecified persons within the Republic of Korea at the call center, and to the victims’ money transfer to a designated account under the pretext of the name of the account holder’s account to the designated account under the pretext of lending, lending, etc., the organization is responsible for each of the following roles: (a) the call center operator and staff of the call center; (b) the receipt of the account to be used for the crime of scaming from the account holder; (c) the remittance of money to the designated account by the victims to the account; and (d) the delivery of money from the receipt book to the account holder; and (e) the delivery of money to the other withdrawal book.

The Defendant is a person who operates, transfers, withdraws, or prohibits the receipt of a call center as a member of the telephone financial fraud assistance staff. The Defendant, who received a check from the account holder who received contact from the one who received such contact, shall deliver the check to the account holder without his name, or withdraw cash from the account account with the check, and then remits the money to the designated account by the account holder with the check-based card. The Defendant is a structure for committing the crime by systematically sharing his/her role.

The defendant received a proposal that he would pay 60,000 won per case to the account to which he received the money from the e-mail card to the account to which he received the money from the e-mail credit card and instructed the money from the e-mail credit card, and then pay 5% of the money withdrawn from the e-mail credit card to the account to which he received the money from the e-mail credit card, and then receive it as the fee.
