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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원천안지원 2015.01.21 2014가단100227

1. As to the accident described in attached Table 1, the attached list to the plaintiff (Counterclaim defendant) against the defendant (Counterclaim plaintiff).


1. Basic facts

A. On September 9, 2005, the Plaintiff concluded each of the insurance contracts listed in the attached Table 2-A (hereinafter “instant one insurance contract”) with the Defendant, as well as the insurance contracts listed in the attached Table 2-B(b) on June 21, 201, respectively (hereinafter “instant two insurance contracts”).

The details of the coverage of the subscription amount for the security and the payment rate of less than 80% of the disability in general (basic contract) which is less than 50 million won due to the injury in general (basic contract) caused by the injury in general, shall be paid as medical expenses to be actually borne by the insured within the limit of the subscription amount (180 days from the date of the accident) when the doctor has received medical treatment due to the general injury in general, injury in medical expenses x payment rate of 2 million won, and the national health insurance has not been applied (including the automobile accident, industrial accident accident compensation accident, etc.) but when the doctor has been hospitalized in general, with the limit of 50% of the total medical expenses to be paid within the limit of the subscription amount of 10,000 won for the temporary injury in general (1.80 days from the date of the accident).

B. The major coverage of the instant insurance contract is as follows.

Where a state of disability with at least 3% of the payment rate prescribed in the Disability Classification Table due to an accident of 100,000 won of a disability (basic contract) after the details of the subscription to the security list, where he/she has received hospitalized treatment due to an accident of 10,000 won of the disability (the amount of subscription 】 payment rate 】 the daily amount of injury to be paid 】 the number of days of entrance 】 the relevant amount of 180,000 won of the relevant payment (180 days of payment).

C. The major coverage of the instant two insurance contracts is as follows.

On December 19, 2012, the Defendant was involved in the instant accident, and that is accordingly.
