본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주고등법원 2015.06.17 2014나3732

1. The defendant (Counterclaim plaintiff), A, and B added in the trial, and the defendant (Counterclaim plaintiff) and the succeeding intervenor A and B.


1. 기초사실 ◎ 보통약관 34. (보험금의 지급) 회사는 33.(보험금 등 청구시 구비서류)에서 정한 청구서류를 접수한 때에는 접수증을 교부하고 그 서류를 접수한 날부터 신체손해에 관한 보험금은 3영업일, 배상책임손해에 대한 보험금은 10영업일, 재산손해에 대한 보험금은 20영업일 이내에 지급하여 드립니다.

◎ 가족일상생활배상책임 특별약관

1. (Compensation for Loss) An accident resulting from the insured’s daily life (excluding ownership, use and management of real estate other than a house) of the insured, which is caused by the insured’s liability to compensate for the loss of physical disability or property of another person, due to the following accidents:

2.(Scope of the Insured) In the above 1. (Compensation Damages) the Insured refers to the following persons:

(1) The insured as stated in the insurance policy (hereinafter referred to as the "insured") (2) The insurer's spouse entered in his/her family relation registration or resident registration (hereinafter referred to as the "spouse")

3. (Non-Compensation for Loss) The Company shall not compensate for any loss sustained by the Company which shall be liable for any of the following causes:

(1) The liability for any loss incurred by the policyholder or the insured, without asking directly or indirectly, for the cause thereof, shall not be covered:

(10) (Omission)

8. (Insurance Money to be Paid) The scope of damages which a company compensates for per accident shall be as follows:

