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텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2020.10.28 2020고단2317

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

The organization of telecommunications-based financial fraud (hereinafter “Sing”) is a crime that induces people to receive loans at low interest if it redeems existing loans to those who need loans by systematically sharing roles, such as total liability, inducement, cash collection measures, etc., and such deceptions is an offense that leads to a large number of victims by receiving cash in return for existing loans from those who have been granted money from them.

On April 1, 2020, the Defendant sent the word “(i) the Bank Loan, Loan(s) and (ii) monthly income, three million won payment, and five million won payment per month, including transportation expenses,” from the Defendant’s “the Defendant sent the word(s) to the Kakax, “whether a specific work is done or not, and whether a fake is trusted.” From the D team leader to the Kakax, “I will pay 1% of the cash received in the account number, and pay the expenses separately, if I would have received the passbook in accordance with the instructions and instructions by misrepresenting the Kakax to the Kaox, and notify the customers of the cash after receiving the passbook’s cash.”

1. On April 24, 2020, when it is difficult to know the location of the victim AL around 09:00 on April 24, 202, the victim AL assumes the victim AL staff member who contacted with the phrase “AMC, the guidance for ordinary financial support, and the maximum 250 million and KRW 250 million,” and he/she assumes a false statement to the effect that “AL may borrow a loan up to 25 million. It is possible to borrow a loan up to 25 million, but he/she shall repay the existing loan amount of KRW 16 million to N. It is possible to become a bad credit holder because he/she applied for a loan to another company within 3 months since he/she applied for a loan to N. To prevent this, money will be released to the person who found at home.”

However, the above-mentioned person is the G Bank.
