본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2016.05.19 2015나2043958

The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

Expenses for appeal shall be borne by the defendant.

Purport of claim and appeal



1. The reasons for the court’s explanation concerning this case, such as the acceptance of the judgment of the court of first instance, are as follows. The relevant part of the judgment of the court of first instance is modified as provided in the following 2. This court’s argument is identical to the statement of the reasons for the judgment of the court of first instance, except for the addition of the judgment under the following 3. Thus, it is acceptable to

2. Parts to be dried;

(a) 6. Sales Contract of this Sub-paragraph for the last two pages:

5. Amendment to the sales contract of this subparagraph:

B. On June 22, 2012, the Plaintiff and the Defendant agreed to extend the payment date of intermediate payment to July 13, 2012, as follows.

A person shall be appointed.

(c) by striking four pages 1 and 2 “The date of preparation shall be August 23, 2012.”

(d) by adding “H” to “G” of five pages 9:

(e) revise “B No. 1” in five pages 17 to “B No. 1 and B No. 3-2”.

F. On the 6th 19th 19th 6th 6th 19th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 19
