본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2015.06.11 2015고단415

1. The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year;

2.Provided, That the execution of the above sentence shall be postponed for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act;

A. On October 12, 2014, the Defendant: (a) around 23:07, at the Defendant’s house located in Sungnam-si, Sungnam-si, the Defendant told the Defendant that the Defendant would drink the upper limit of food; and (b) on the ground that the Defendant “Is the Defendant may die if Is the Defendant.” (hereinafter “Is the Defendant 21”) said that “Is the Defendant’s her mother,” and her hand, she flads the Victim’s neck, and she flads the Victim’s neck, which is a dangerous object in the side (15cc in length, 27cm in length) and she sawd “Is the Defendant’s flab with the Defendant’s head at three times with the Defendant’s hand, the Defendant reported the defect to the police and caused the victim’s her hair twice by assaulting the victim’s head.

B. The Defendant, at the date and time and place indicated in the foregoing paragraph, abused the victim E (Nam, 17 years of age) who is the Defendant’s son, prevented the Defendant from committing the act as described in the foregoing paragraph, and assaulted the victim, who is a dangerous object, by cutting off the neck and cutting off the neck, of the dangerous object.

2. At around 01:10 on October 13, 2014, the Defendant committed assault, such as: (a) finding in G District G District F located in Sungnam-si, Sungnam-si, on the ground that police officers belonging to the G District District G District of the Sungnam-gu, Sungnam-si, did not inform the victims of the damage, such as the foregoing paragraph, as described in the said paragraph, and did not inform the victims of the damage; (b) taking a dangerous object for which he was prepared to be put in the back part of the back part of the said part, and intending to display the H face to the police officer.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and interfered with the legitimate execution of duties of police officers on handling reports.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

2. Each police protocol of statement of H, D, and E;

3. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes on amnesty of crimes;

1. Article 3 (1) and Article 2 (1) 1 of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act concerning a crime;
