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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2016.04.06 2015고단905

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

Seized evidence 1 to 4 shall be confiscated.

. The applicant’s compensation.


Punishment of the crime

[2015 Highest 905] The Defendant, on May 24, 2015, did not have a toy toy and did not have an intention or ability to send it to the “K” website, which is a NAF, and then sold a unity toy.

The notice of “The sales text” was sent 70,000 won from the victim L in the name of the defendant for the same day on the same day.

In addition, from around that time to October 20, 2015, the Defendant acquired the total of KRW 5,730,000 by the same method over 66 times, such as the previous list of crimes (1).

[2015 Highest 960] The Defendant, at the time of the plenary session where it is difficult to know the trade name in the city of Changwon on August 31, 2015, connected to the Internet NKa PKa page and did not have a mother's problem collection, and thus, the Defendant purchased the mother's problem collection posted by the victim'sO, without the intent or ability to send it.

The phrase " shall be reported and contacted to the victim to sell the problem house".

“Accomponing from the injured party,” 35,000 won was remitted to the Financial Account (Account Number: M) in the name of the accused for the same day from the injured party.

In addition, from around that time to October 20, 2015, the Defendant acquired 615,000 won in total by the same six times through the same method, such as the previous list of crimes (2).

[2016 Height 21] On September 8, 2015, the Defendant: (a) accessed the trade name at the window site in which it is impossible to know on September 21, 2015, to a mobile phone from the NAN car page; and (b) the Defendant did not have a certified broker book and did not have an intention or ability to sell it; and (c) the Defendant did not sell a certified broker book.

The notice of “The sales text was posted,” and that part was obtained through the remittance of KRW 90,000 from the victim P in the name of the defendant for the same day from the victim P to the amount of money.

[2016 Highest 121] Defendant on October 19, 2015.
