본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2015.11.25 2015고단1718


A, B, and C are punished by imprisonment of two years, by imprisonment of one year and two months, by Defendant D, and E, by imprisonment of one year and one year and two, by Defendant F, G, and H.


Punishment of the crime

around December 2014, Defendant A, B, and C had the intent to acquire money from the buyers by putting the sales of goods on the Internet's used goods trading site. In order to avoid tracking the investigation agency's tracking, Defendant A, B, and C offered to exchange the money by purchasing an item from the game site to cyber money in order to use and laps with another person's name in order to avoid tracking the investigation agency.


A decided to enter D, E, R, F, and S into the instant crime and organized the Defendants, D, E, and R from February 2015, they installed 10 computers in Daegu Dong-gu T, 503, the Defendant’s residence, and 503.


A plays the role of purchasing spophones and chips and changing the money obtained by deception into cyber money on the game site, selling game items, and managing funds by exchanging them, etc., Defendant B and Defendant C play the role of purchasing spoke accounts to be used for crime and selling goods on the Internet spora website, and Defendant B and Defendant C took the role of selling goods on the Internet spora site. The remaining accomplices were directed by Defendant A, such as inserting an writing on the purchase of passbooks and selling goods on the Internet site and withdrawing cash.

1. On April 28, 2015, the Defendants in violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act put a letter on their Internet homepage stating that “I will put this into the passbook, 200% safe for money exchange. I will not use it illegally. I will not use it illegally.” 400,000 won on the Internet homepage to U.S. who has contacted the recipient of the means of access in order to seek a large passbook to be used for the Internet fraud.” On April 28, 2015, the Defendants obtained “V” bank W passbook and physical cards, security cards, and Internet banking authorized certificates through Kwikset service.
