1. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Defendant.
Purport of claim and appeal
1. Basic facts
A. The Plaintiff is a legal entity that conducts research and development of Taekwondo technique, and the Defendant served as an emergency worker from July 201 to February 1, 201, and entered into a contract with the Plaintiff on February 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012 with the contract term of KRW 50 million and worked as the chief researcher at the Defendant-affiliated research institute.
B. 1) The Plaintiff, who became an executing agency of the National Sports Promotion Foundation, participated in the “B project” (hereinafter “instant B project”) that took place from December 29, 2010 to March 31, 2012. During that process, the Plaintiff paid the Defendant KRW 8,750,190, conference expenses, 100, 100,000 to the Defendant as the subsidies received from the National Sports Promotion Foundation pursuant to the former Subsidy Management Act (amended by Act No. 13931, Jan. 28, 2016; hereinafter the same) in relation to the instant B project.
C. 1) On December 2013, the Board of Audit and Inspection conducted an audit on the execution of the project cost related to the instant B project, and pointed out the improper part of the project cost when executing the project cost. After reviewing the appropriateness of the execution of the project cost of the instant B project, the National Sports Promotion Foundation requested the Plaintiff to conduct a self-audit on the portion where the project cost was improperly executed with respect to the execution of the project cost of the instant B project, and to notify the Plaintiff thereof. 2) As a result of conducting an audit on whether the project cost of the instant B project was appropriately executed in accordance with the Guidelines for the Use and Settlement of the National Sports Promotion Fund (hereinafter “Guidelines”), the Plaintiff conducted an audit on April 2014 pursuant to the “Guidelines for the Use and Settlement of the National Sports Promotion Fund” (hereinafter “instant Guidelines”). As a result, the total sum of improper execution of the project cost of the instant